Aims and explanation of our policy.
Whenever an organisation, or an individual has an unclear set of boundaries, it also becomes unclear what their responsibilities are. This problem then grows because it means that everyone they interact with also has unclear boundaries and responsibilities, and this leads to chaos. An example of this is in business when you have large projects involving many contractors, if the boundaries of each are not exactly defined, it can cause great difficulties for the project, extra expense, stress, and conflict. Another area is with liability and insurance, whenever there is unclear boundaries in these areas it can lead to major problems and legal proceedings.
We believe there are many boundaries in government, and in all of life that are not clearly defined, and as a result many problems are caused. There is much confusion about the boundaries between the government and the people of Britain, it is very unclear what the governments responsibilities are, and what they are not, and quite often the government becomes drawn into all manner of public events? Another example of this is current foreign policy, Britain is not an empire anymore, we directly control no country other than our own. If we have no control of other countries, we have no responsibility for them, yet many people feel we have responsibilities to many if not all countries around the world, this creates confusion and unclear foreign policy. Should we seek to influence countries which do not wish to be governed by us, which we do not have any control over, and we do not have any responsibility for?
A common and ironic problem is that boundaries are sometimes too large, and people believe they have more responsibility than actually is correct for their role. Lack of clear boundaries causes endless problems throughout every level of society, from government right down to individual boundaries.
Our policy is to empower all people and all organisations with clear and correct boundaries, so that everyone knows exactly what their responsibilities are, and can concentrate on fulfilling them properly, without being distracted by things that are not of their responsibility. In this way everyone is fully empowered to do what they need to do, to the best of their ability, with the minimum of stress. This starts with the government, proceeds through all organisations such as public services, institutions, and businesses, and finishes with individuals.
The key concept of boundaries is that everyone and everything is only responsible for itself. Being responsible for yourself, means being responsible for everything you decide to do, and being clear you are not responsible for what others choose to do. If we all do this, everything would be taken care of correctly. From this perspective, every problem we have in the world can be traced back to people either not taking full care and responsibility of themselves, or becoming involved in other peoples business that is not their responsibility. An example of this is when parents try to influence children into doing jobs they do not want to do, this is not the responsibility of the parent to decide, it is the responsibility of the child to decide freely for themselves, and influence or force from the parents, may well lead to problems.
The responsibilities of government.
We believe that the boundaries and responsibilities of government have become very blurred indeed, and that everyone is disempowered as a consequence of this. There are approximately 70 million people in Britain, and everyone of us is responsible for all their own individual actions and decisions, the government is not responsible for any of this. What the government is responsible for is it's areas of activity, and these include: making and enforcing the law, public services, regulation, tax collection and spending, managing the economy, defending the country. We believe the responsibilities of government and the people of Britain need to be balanced, such that neither group is held entirely responsible for the other, and such that each group is responsible for what is relevant to them. Some examples of how we believe this balance should be apportioned are below. We note that this may represent a different view from the norm and be controversial, however we believe this ultimately empowers everyone, as it means each person knows what they need to do, what they do not, and then can fully take action and be prepared accordingly:
The government is responsible for creating a stable, safe and efficient economic environment, while it is the responsibility of businesses and the workforce to create and service jobs within that economic environment. The government cannot be directly responsible for creating jobs because it is not a business and therefore does not have an organisation with which to create jobs, indeed it should seek to reduce the number of employees it has (in the public sector) in order to ensure that it is delivering public services as efficiently as possible.
The government is responsible for creating a stable, safe and efficient economic environment, while it is the responsibility of individuals to manage their personal finances. There are many economic forces that are outside of government control, such as prices fluctuations of commodities and the products we buy (i.e. cost of living). We will provide extensive education throughout all of school on money management, and make sure every person is fully aware of how the cost of living is unpredictable, how to manage their money, and fully protect and strengthen their position in preparation of any hard times that may prevail. We will educate everyone that ultimately the government cannot protect people from the challenges of life. For example in the cost of living crisis any help that has been given came from increasing borrowing, and this will have to be paid back by the tax payer. This process does not empower people because it does not encourage people to think about the risks of life, and be responsible for managing them. Instead it encourages dependence on the government, resulting in higher national debt, and ultimately what will be a somewhat unfair process of forcing the tax payer to subsidise those who where not able to manage their finances.
Education for everyone which leads to a full understanding and preparation for the uncertainties of life, is always better than not being prepared and falling back on the government and public debt. Our policy is not to avoid any help at all, but rather to encourage and facilitate every individual to place themselves in a very strong and informed financial and personal position in life. This must be the best situation for everyone, as people are most greatly empowered when they fully understand how to be in control of their lives, rather than the government having this responsibility.
​We believe understanding boundaries and responsibility is an essential component of education, and all of our policies have this knowledge and intention integrated into them. Our approach is to fully empower all people, and that includes everyone in the public sector, to be in full knowledge and control of their lives, and fully prepared for all it's uncertainties. This is central in our mission to empower everyone, and an important key which unlocks the full potential of society. See our supporting policies below.
Supporting policies.
Witten by Marcus white 3-5-2024 © updated 29-10-2024