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Summary and Aims of our policy.


It is impossible to over state the far reaching importance and effect of our economy.  It is the source of all the wealth that is created in our country, the wealth we use to pay our bills, eat, sleep, and live, the wealth we use to enjoy ourselves, fulfil ourselves, and thrive.  The wealth we draw tax from to fund all public services, such as health, education, and police, the wealth we require to invest in infrastructure to solve all our environmental problems, the wealth we require to do absolutely anything. 


Our economy is made up of all our businesses, all our institutions, and every single one of us, we are all involved in it, and affect it in countless ways.  We all therefore have responsibility and must play our part constructively if we wish to achieve what we want.  â€‹Our economy is the source of everything we have, and we are all totally dependant upon it, it is therefore paramount that it runs smoothly and efficiently.  There are eight core aims in our Economic & Business Policy:


  1. Promote enjoyable, safe, and fulfilling work environments for everyone.

  2. Create a highly simplified, supportive, and efficient, economic environment in which new businesses can begin trading with great ease, and all businesses can thrive and grow with high levels of government support, and low levels of stress, risk, and difficulty.

  3. A fair distribution of wealth, which reflects individual contribution to the economy, in a balanced way.

  4. Create the maximum amount of wealth, with the greatest efficiency, and least stress in the workplace.

  5. Double GDP per capita.

  6. Ensure all activity of the economy is sustainable, and non damaging to the environment.

  7. Create a safe economy, where unscrupulous trading, law breaking, manipulation, corruption, and financial crime is eliminated.

  8. Create a stable economy, that does not cycle between recession and growth, and is not overly reactive to investor confidence in the financial markets.


We want an efficient economy, not an ever growing economy.


It is important to be clear on the difference between growing an economy by making it more efficient, and growing it by increasing the number of people in it.  The government uses GDP as the main measure of our economy, and almost universally talks about growth in the economy as a good thing that we should strive for, however this is a very detrimental oversimplification in our view.  If you increase the number of people in a country it's economy grows in size and GDP will go up, if you keep increasing population GDP will keep going up, this is what has always happened in Britain, and is still happening now.  If you increase the efficiency of the economy, but keep the population stable, GDP will go up and then stabilize.


It is GDP per capita which is the crucial measure of wealth that we should be interested in, not GDP.  We can explain this simply as follows.  GDP per capita is the total amount of wealth we generate in Britain each year divided by the total number of people in Britain.  It is around £35,000 per person.  At this figure, we are currently short of resources for public services, and generally people do not feel abundantly wealthy, indeed it is probably fair to say that most people feel short of money, and many feel very short in the current period of cost of living crisis.  We must understand that this is what it will always be like if we continue to have a GDP per capita around £35,000 per person.  Countries that are poorer have a lower GDP per capita, have less public services, and less personal wealth.  Burundi is believed to be the poorest country in the world, and has a GDP per capita of just £250 per person, meaning they have almost no public services, and live extremely poverty stricken lives in general.  Countries with higher GDP per capita will have better public services, and adequate personal wealth available for everyone (if distributed fairly), for example Luxembourg has the highest GDP per capita in the world, at almost £100,060 per person.  So clearly there is a very simple relationship between GDP per capita and how wealthy we feel in terms of public services and our personal wealth, greater GDP per capita means more public services, wealthier people, and crucially more money to build a new environmental infrastructure.


The reason Luxembourg has a staggering 400 times the wealth per person as Burundi, is because their economy is 400 times more efficient than Burundi's, (and not because they have 400 times more people in their country).  It is more efficient because they have better infrastructure, better technology and machines in all areas of industry, and better systems and processes of management than Burundi, with much lower corruption and crime.  Luxembourg produces 8% of the worlds steel, and has strong financial and technology sectors.  GDP per capita is the basic and best measurement of the economic efficiency of an economy.


Continually increasing the size of our economy through population growth will cause ever greater problems and ultimately lead to catastrophic consequences.  We are already seeing this as population growth leads to lack of resources, greater pollution, destruction of habitat and species extinction, and global warming.  This is because our planet has a fixed total size that we cannot exceed.  Economic growth from population growth, will, if unchecked, ultimately impoverish all of us, and cause catastrophic consequences for everyone.


Economic growth from increasing the efficiency of an economy (while having a stable or slowly reducing population) will ensure there is increased wealth for everything we need.  If this wealth is used wisely it will not cause any environmental issues whatsoever, on the contrary it will mean there is more resources available to build the environmental infrastructure we require to resolve all our environmental issues.  We would like to stress this latter point as many people think that industry and a high output efficient economy is the cause of environmental problems, however this is an oversimplification, and not necessarily correct.  It is true that our industries have caused environmental issues, however there are only two options we have for solving these issues.  We can replace old polluting infrastructure with new environmental infrastructure that does not pollute, or cease using the current technology and industry we have entirely, meaning huge reduction in wealth, and going back towards the much simpler and poorer ways of life of the past.  It appears clear that generally people do not want to go back to subsistence ways of life that occurred before industrialisation, therefore our only option is to build new environmental infrastructure. 


We are currently doing this on a large scale and the International Energy Agency (IEA) states that globally we are investing about $2trillion into clean energy technologies and infrastructure in the year 2024.  To meet all our environmental objectives, we need to increase this spending to vast amounts.  The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD ) suggests a figure for this of US$6.9 trillion in global investment each year to 2030, this is a little under US$1,000 per year for every person on the planet.  This level of investment each year is very unlikely to happen if our economies continue to be as inefficient as they are now, as people will always prioritize necessities such as food and warm homes, (and many other things that we either need or love) before spending on the environment. 

          If you agree with the reasoning here, our only and best way forward is to increase the efficiency of all our economies, while slowly reducing world population, and then use that wealth wisely to ensure that everyone has adequate wealth, public services, and that there is the money needed to resolve our environmental issues. 


It is exactly this that is the policy of Everyone is God, we believe that almost everyone would prefer to have more wealth and better public services, if it is achieved in a way that also solves all our environmental issues.  Increasing the efficiency of economies is the key to this, and is the only realistic way, of having the resources to achieve this, whereas growing economies endlessly as a result of population growth, will simply result in disaster.


Current unresolved issues in our economy.


​As a party we do not feel that any of our seven core aims has been achieved in Britain (or anywhere in the world), our economy does not deliver enough wealth to everyone for a good standard of living, does not create enough tax to fully fund all the public services we want, and has limited resources for new green infrastructure.  There are numerous other unresolved issues, such as people dreading going to work, crime and fraud, a volatile economy, lack of skills, and many other problems.  In spite of sincere effort from the millions of people who work in the economy, and those that govern the economy, there is still huge room for improvement in all areas.  To put this into some perspective, we believe that the British economy is at best running at 50% efficiency, and therefore it is perfectly possible to double GDP per capita, without anyone working harder than they are currently.  We therefore seek to double economic efficiency, and our policies bellow set out exactly how we propose to do that.


Our Policy - How it resolves the issues and achieves the aims.


Our Economic & Business Policy has 22 strategies in order to address the issues in our economy.  Each one of these strategies is a major area in its own right, and therefore they are each an entire policy on their own.  These 22 policies are described briefly here, along with links in bold to the full explanations of the policies.  The list of all of them is as follows:


  1. Following Your Heart Policy.  Every human wants to fulfil themselves, and have satisfaction and pride in their work.  This is the key to all motivation in the work place, it is one of the two fundamental drivers of the whole economy, the other being the need to create wealth in order to sustain our lives.  Put more simply we are only motivated to work if we want to or we need to, there is nothing else that will cause us to work.  An economy can only be optimised and be fully efficient, if it is made up of businesses that provide good working environments, which encourage and allow staff to be passionate and proud of their work.  We all want to earn our living doing what we love, rather than what we dread.  This is the holy grail of efficient business, it is the root of all successful business; all businesses that are fully optimised, have highly motivated staff who love their work, and it is something we passionately support and educate upon in all our policies.

  2. Parenting Policy.  The roots of our belief in ourselves, the enthusiasm we have for work, and our knowledge of how to manage our money to build wealth and abundance, are all formed in our childhood with our parents.  Our Parenting Policy ensures that every child is empowered by their parents to create whatever they want in their lives.

  3. Education Policy.  Nearly all of us will end up working in the economy, and we all affect it.  In order for our economy to meet our seven core aims above and deliver everything we all want from it, we must all understand how to achieve this, whatever careers we choose.  This requires extensive education, but yet our education system does almost nothing to impart this knowledge, even though it is of paramount importance for the wellbeing of everyone.  Clearly there is a great opportunity for improvement here, and so our policy is to provide this education from day one onwards, throughout all schooling, in order to give a full understanding of how the workplace and a healthy economy works. In this way all workers will be fully equipped in all basic areas of economic and business knowledge before entering the workforce.

  4. Efficient Work Policy.  The understanding of efficiency requires detailed and prolonged education, and all the basic understanding of this will be delivered in schooling as a specific academic and practical subject.  Further training after school will 

  5. Open Source Education Policy.  It is important that education and training continues after school, throughout adulthood as required, so that workers acquire the necessary skills and knowledge as their careers progress.  We, working with businesses and industry, will create open source education for every industry sector and every specific role within it, in order to provide all the skills required in the work place. This training resource is available over the entire working life of all workers, as and when needed, to meet the evolving skills required to progress through their career.​ 

  6. Fair minimum wage policy.  We believe that every job should be fully respected, and attract a wage that meets all the basic costs of life, and allows enough disposable income to enjoy life fully.  We will ensure that there is a fair distribution of wealth which encourages balance throughout the entire labour market.

  7. Research Centres Policy.  Every industry and public service will have a dedicated research centre that is tasked with researching how to improve the efficiency and quality of each industry and service, and then passing this information on to the relevant organisations and businesses.

  8. Support and regulation Policy.  We will support all areas of business, so businesses are fully equipped with all the knowledge and resources they need to run their businesses.  We will regulate all business to make sure everyone is working to the same simple set of rules, and the economy is a safe, law abiding environment for all.

  9. Value Adding Work Policy.  We will help businesses understand what business activities make the economy more productive and increase the wealth of the nation.  We will also help them understand which business activities do not add value, and how to reduce or eliminate these.  

  10. Technology, infrastructure, and Machines Policy.  The industrial revolution started here in Britain, this economic model now dominates the world, and is very nearly universally adopted.  We understand from our own experience how machines, infrastructure, and technology increase productivity hugely.  It is our policy to encourage all opportunity to capitalise on the efficiency gains provide by technology, infrastructure, and machines.

  11. Standardisation & Simplification Policy.  There are many tasks that are repeated throughout all businesses and institutions.  Tasks such as the statutory requirement to write company policies and produce assessments,  forming contracts, or collecting tax.  Many of these tasks are ineffective, costly, and stressful; they can be avoided, or simplified and standardised.  The extent of this is vast, and it creates huge amounts of cost, stress, and conflict, in our economy, most of which can be avoided with our policy.

  12. Manufacturing Policy.  Cost reduction in all designed and manufactured products, can be achieved by optimising design, quality, and international standardisation of all components.

  13. Marketing Policy.  We understand that many dedicated people in the marketing industry work to bring valuable leads to businesses so that they can sell their products, and we respect their work and effort.  However a deep understanding of business and the economy will reveal some truths that may be difficult to hear by those in the industry.  We do not wish to cause offence to those people, but rather our goal is to improve the economy for everyone's benefit and wellbeing.  Marketing a product does not improve a product or the service it is delivered with.  It therefore brings no benefit to the customer, but yet it adds considerable cost to the product, and distracts businesses away from improving what they sell to their clients.  Marketing therefore does not make the best use of business resources, and something that can and should be avoided.  It is possible to deliver all products to all clients with almost no marketing, and we have a simple policy to achieve this, saving many billions of unnecessary cost in the economy. 

  14. Restructuring Labour Policy.  People in the marketing industry are encouraged to not feel threatened by our marketing policy, as the policy benefits them as well as all other people.  Our restructuring labour policy promotes a smooth evolution in the structure of labour throughout the economy, in order to improve the efficiency of the economy.

  15. Automatic Accounting and Taxation policy.  A large cost, and stress for businesses and organisations, is bookkeeping, auditing, preparing of accounts, assessment of those accounts by HMRC, tax inspections, tax disputes, and tax collection.   It involves huge numbers of people such as bookkeepers, accountants, tax advisors, lawyers, tax inspectors, and tax collectors.  The entire process of tax collection causes huge costs and stress in the economy, and large legal cases are fought over it, in extreme cases between governments and corporations.  This distracts business managers from running their businesses and creating wealth for everyone.  All of these resources and stress can be avoided with a simple automated tax system.

  16. Our Environmental Policy, explains how we will make all economic activity sustainable and non damaging to the environment.

  17. Law & its Practice Policy - An extremely efficient, low cost, and fair system of legal practice to quickly resolve issues of any nature.

  18. Criminal Justice Policy -  An extremely efficient, cost effective, and fair system of Judgement, which resolves any fraud, corruption, and crime in the economy, and which is self funded so that it does not cost the tax payer.

  19. Prison & Rehabilitation Policy - A self funding system that gives total authority to the judicial system, rehabilitates prisoners properly, and ensures that there is only one outcome, that everyone follows the law in the economic environment.


Ultimate policies.


The effect of the policies above would be to make huge improvements in the productivity of the economy, while reducing stress and working hours.  However they would not completely achieve all our 7 goals above.  In particular they would not fully eliminate all crime within the economy, and fully stabilise it.  To achieve this we have a set of ultimate policies that go much further and are far more radical.  We call these ultimate policies because we would only seek to enact them, when people are ready, and after many other preparatory changes in the way we run the country, have taken place. 


As with all our ultimate policies, we all have a simple choice; we can chose systems which solve problems, or we can stick to those that don't.  Everyone is God offers people fundamental choices which create fundamental change.  As human beings we have to change who we are to be ready for such radical changes in our country, this takes time, many smaller steps, and bravery.  Our relevant ultimate policies are as follows:


  1. Transparent Banking - A single system of banking which makes all transactions publicly visible. 

  2. Public Database Policy - A single public database, that contains all relevant information on people, business, institutions, property, etc, and facilitates the efficient transfer of all essential data to everyone in the economy and country who needs it.

  3. Financial Markets Policy - The world economy is hyper sensitive and volatile because of all the financial, derivative, stock, and commodities markets, and the ever changing reaction of investors to market confidence.  This causes endless problems for hardworking honest businesses who try to operate in this unstable environment of economic manipulation, boom, bust, and economic depression.  Our policy stabilises the world economy, and creates a prosperous platform for everyone.


Fully adopting these policies, and integrating them into the economy, would make it extremely difficult and detrimental to unscrupulous business people and criminals to commit any form of fraud or crime in the economy.  It would make it even more difficult, if not impossible, to get away with these crimes, no matter what their nature or seriousness, and furthermore the world economy would be fully stabilised.  This would complete our mission of solving everything, and fulfilling every dream in the economy and business world.


Well being and cost benefits of this policy.


Fully adopting all our economic and business policies would completely revolutionise the entire British economy.  We estimate that GDP could double, and this could be achieved with a tenfold decrease in the stress of the working environment, and a tenfold increase in the wellbeing and purpose of human life.  This amounts to an extra £2.5 trillion of extra money for public services, environmental infrastructure, and increased standard of living, for everyone, every year, in Britain.  In the case of the world economy the figure is even higher as many nations are not so near to full industrialisation as we are, so the increase could be a three fold increase in world GDP or an extra $200 trillion. 


Humanity would never be short of wealth and resources in any way, and this would bring numerous benefits to everyone.  For example the incidence of war, crime, and poor health will all be reduced, which means demand for public services such as defence, police, and health care would be reduced as a result, while at the same time, the available funds for these services would have increased many fold.  The combined effect of all the benefits of our policies, is that they would create a state of abundance and wellbeing for everyone, a primary goal that Everyone is God is committed to achieving.



Supporting policies.


Following Your Heart Policy. 

Parenting Policy

Education Policy.

Efficient Work Policy.

Open Source Education Policy

Fair Minimum Wage Policy

Research Centres Policy.

Support and Regulation Policy.

Value Adding Work Policy.

Technology, infrastructure, & Machines Policy.

Standardisation & Simplification Policy.

Manufacturing Policy.

Marketing Policy.

Restructuring Labour Policy.

Automatic Accounting and Taxation policy.

Environmental Policy

Law & its Practice Policy

Criminal Justice Policy

Prison & Rehabilitation Policy



Transparent Banking

Financial Markets Policy

Public Database Policy



Witten by Marcus white © 2024, updated 19-4-2024.

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