Summary and Aims of our policy.
It is impossible to exaggerate the profound and all encompassing importance of education. When we say education we mean this in the broadest sense, as every experience we have at any age educates us in some way, it changes who we are , and what we believe. In truth, education starts at home with the parents at the moment of conception, and continues every day from then on, it is quite simply the greatest influence by far upon all aspects of human life, the issues we create in the world, and the ways we try to solve them. The primary force of education will always be our parents, they shape how we perceive and interact with everything in the world, more than anyone or anything else. Everyone is God therefore believes that our Parenting Policy, and our Education Policy are the most fundamental policies of all; get these wrong, and you will create endless problems in society that ultimately you will never be able to solve, get these right, and you have achieved the foundation of our mission statement; Empower Everyone, Solve Everything, Fulfil Every Dream.
What is the purpose of education?
Everyone is God believes education is about preparing children for adult life, it is about guiding children in such a way that they become happy, empowered, fulfilled, productive, responsible and lawful adults. Education is all about understanding what it means to be a human being, and how we can live in the best possible way in our world as adults. In summary then we have three goals in our education Policy.
To give children a deep understanding of themselves, and others, so they know how to be happy, healthy, fulfilled adults, who understand human behaviour deeply.
Give them the opportunity to gain experience of all aspects of life, and all types of work, so they become connected with the things they are passionate about, and are encouraged to pursue them.
To prepare them for all aspects of adult life, and equip them with all the understanding and skills they will need for it.
What does our current education system do?
Our current education system focuses primarily on preparing children for academic assessment and exams, so that government targets can be met, it spends little time doing anything other than this. This fundamentally fails to meet all the important requirements of human education, and will therefore always lead to dysfunction and problems in society. We do not wish to criticise all the people in the education system who are dedicated to helping children, rather we wish to help make education more functional. The education system does not prepare children adequately for life, consider the main challenges we are all likely to face in adult life; work, business, money and paying bills, work and personal relationships, disputes, marriage, sex, mortgages, parenting, pensions, old age, etc, does education prepare children for these things?
The primary educational force in any child's life will always be the parents (or lack of the parents), parents lay all the foundations for how children will behave and perceive the world, and the decisions they will make. Therefore parenting is the first and most influential part of a child's education. Any teacher who works in schools that have disruptive children, will know that these problems are created at home with the parents. We understand that all parents do their best, but it is the unintentional errors and misunderstandings of well meaning parents that is the root cause of all issues in our world. The entirety of human history proves again and again that if children are not brought up in a stable and loving way, it can cause problems, which in their extreme cases extend to people such as criminals, ruthless dictators, and psychopaths, all of whom will have had great trauma in their up brining. We believe that parenting is not understood correctly at all. In our system parents will receive extensive education on parenting, so that they are entirely clear and supported in carrying it out, see our Parenting Policy.
Our Policy - How it resolves the issues and achieves the aims.
​Our education policy is human focused, it is focused on what we are, and what we really need to know about, in order to thrive in our adult lives. Changes in education will be brought in steadily over time, and work in conjunction with a restructuring of the tax system, in order to reduce shock and maximise benefit. We regard experience as the best teacher of all, and therefore our education is much broader, and more experiential than current education. It is divided into three phases.
Phase one - Pre school, the most important phase of all!
Education and parenting cannot be separated, they are the same thing. The importance of parenting cannot be overstated, it is the entire basis of all education, and all of life. The most important part of all parenting/education is a happy, loving, disciplined, and stable environment, for children, with both parents. This is where a child forms the whole basis of it's life; what it feels, thinks, believes, how it interacts with people and makes decisions, and how it acts in all areas of it's life. If we get this wrong, it becomes impossible to have a functional society. Pre school education will therefore include the following elements:
Parents will be fully financially supported to carryout parenting and pre school education, such that parenting becomes their vocation in life.
Children primarily are to be cared for at home by their parents; a close emotional and physical relationship that is deeply loving, is paramount at all times; the use of nurseries and boarding schools will become phased out, see our Parenting Policy for an explanation of this.
Education will begin from conception onwards, as children are immediately sensitive to their environment and learn from it.
Education will be much more experiential, children copy however their parents behave, and this largely becomes the model for their entire life. It will introduce and encourage children in the correct ways, in all the basic areas of life.
Parents will be carefully supported and guided in how to provide all education their children need until the age of around 7, when children will begin attendance of school starting with a morning a week, and building up from there. The age of 7 is chosen as according to psychological research in child development, it is the time that children have a greater sense of independence and awareness of the world, and are ready to start negotiating it on their own terms.
In the first years of a child's life, parents are guiding children in all areas of basic human social behaviour, in how to manage the home, and how to look after themselves. Academic education will begin as soon as possible, children love to learn, especially from their parents, and talking, counting, and reading will be encouraged and enjoyed by the children from around 1 years old or before. It is essential that the natural curiosity children have about life and learning, is encouraged, nurtured, and fed by the parents, so that it is retained throughout their formative years, and into adulthood, this is the key to all curiosity and passion in our adult life. Parents will carryout many activities with the children, such as growing their own food, so that children have a full experiential basis to the understanding of our relationship with our environment, and our dependence on it. This experience forms the foundation for their entire understanding of how we interact with our planet, and take care of it. Experience is in many respects a much deeper educator than academic study, do you learn how to walk, interact with people, or drive safely, or by reading? This model of experience being the basis of education, and enhanced by academic study, will flow through all aspects of education at all ages. When the job of parenting is carried out correctly, children will be ready for school, and be keen to learn, disruptive behaviour will be a thing of the past.
Phase two - schooling up to 18 years old.
The experiential basis of education will continue, as will academic education. The switch from phase 1 to phase 2 will be progressive, and start with one morning a week and build up form there. Children will be taken on trips to all the basic areas of life, so they see with their own eyes, and understand from their own experience, all aspects of the world they live in. This will include age appropriate trips to all types of farms, all industry areas covering everything from manufacturing and construction to banking, and research, sewage treatment plants, power stations, houses of parliament, courts, prisons, museums, the arts, etc. Children will meet and receive talks from all types of people, everyone from criminals, to doctors. Every school will have access to a garden/farm, children will grow and eat their own food, and this will include them seeing the slaughtering and eating of animals, in order that a deep appreciation of food production, the reality of life, and the natural world is fostered. Children will be encouraged in what ever direction they want to go, vocational or academic, scientific or creative, not what direction the state or others think they should go in. This connects children with their heart, their passions, and what they really want to do in their lives, see our Following Your Heart Policy. Opportunities will be provided for all children to gain work experience in industries of their choice. Education will be, practical, relevant, vocational, and they will have to make things with their own hands.
Academic education will work with experiential education, experience will always be the basis of all education, with academic education used to deepen and broaden the understanding of the experience. All children will be repeatedly and always reminded (by parents and teachers) that they are all intelligent in many different ways, encouraged to believe in their intelligence, and use it in all areas of life to understand and resolve everything they need to, see our Everyone is Intelligent Policy.
The lesson plans for most lessons will be standardised into teaching schemes, by the government department for education, and be presented as videos, text books, and lesson plans, all of which are open source, in order to meet the national curriculum. There are many teaching schemes currently available, and that are widely used in schools. The department for education will consult with teachers, parents, industry, and any relevant groups in order to produce this curriculum. This consultation process will include the top experts in every field of teaching, who have the greatest passions for their subjects, who know how to make learning fun, and who teach the deepest understandings in the most easily understood ways. Through this process of the government consulting with these groups, all the teaching resources for the standardised lessons will be produced.
This takes the huge burden off teachers to plan every lesson, reducing their stress levels, and therefore allowing them to spend more time with each child. It improves the quality of lessons, as the resources and expertise used to produce each lesson is far greater than that of each individual teacher's resource to produce their own lessons, it ensures every part of the curriculum is taught, it means teachers off sick can be much more easily covered, and children who miss lessons can easily catch up. In these open source lessons, teachers bring alive and encourage engagement with the subject, they personalise the lessons for the children, they encourage and answer questions, and make it fun. The range of subjects and options for children will be increased, because the open source resources will cover all fields and subjects, meaning that their education is far more flexible, and can follow the specific passions each child has in life. The environment of schools will be more relaxed, more enjoyable, and a broader and deeper form of education will take place. In approximately a quarter of lessons, teachers will have fixability to teach whatever the children and they are interested in, and can prepare lesson plans of their own. Teachers and children will be under far less pressure, indeed part of our educational policy is to completely change the concept of pressure, competition, and the meeting of narrow standardised academic targets, in education.
Our national curriculum is very different to the current, as we believe there are many essential areas of education children need for adult life that are either not taught enough, or not taught at all. The most important example of this, as indicated above, is human psychology, another example is politics, economics, and how the country is run. When children are not given a full understanding of essential areas of adult life, this creates deep problems throughout society, as adults are then unable to understand why things happen in the way they do, and what is the best action to take. Generally there is little or no simple and accessible information about what is government and party policy, and how it has been arrived at. For example returns 6,329 results when you search on the website for Policy, how is the British public to understand the basic policies of Government if this is the case? There being no simple policy and laws, and little or no education on this, creates profound problems throughout all of the country. The public do not know what policy is and why government is making the decisions it does, and then this leads to endless debate, dissatisfaction, and lack of trust in government. These factors then undermine the entire government public partnership which results in the entire country working inefficiently, and with far more stress than is necessary, this then feeds into greater corruption, conflict and crime. To give some idea of the breadth of our education, we list main areas of experience and study in the sections below, this is a brief summary of our national curriculum, however we stress that it is important to understand that the basis of all these areas has already been laid in preschool education with the parents:
Personal & psychological understanding:
Understanding human psychology, (to include a full understanding of dark human emotions, and power dynamics).
Well being, self healing, and mental health.
Morality, manners, respect, social behaviour.
Sex, relationship, and marriage.
Establishing and working with clear boundaries.
Relationship end and divorce.
Dealing with adversity.
How to communicate, and speak the truth.
How to distinguish between, fact, speculation, and falsehood.
Dispute and conflict resolution.
Sport and physical health.
Family and home:
Home management.
Money and wealth management.
House renting and buying.
Mortgages and pensions.
Wills and power of attorney.
Reading, writing, comprehension.
Arts and creativity.
How to learn and teach yourself.
Core knowledge, and simplicity analysis.
Politics, and governing the country.
Law, criminal justice, and prison.
How to deal with crime.
Tax collection and spending.
Risk/cost/benefit analysis, and decision/policy making on the basis of considered benefit rather than emotions.
Public services, how they work, and how much they cost.
Work, business and economics:
Economics, banking.
How to functionally maximise wealth in the economy.
Value adding and wasteful work.
How to work efficiently in the work place.
Business & consumer law, and its practice.
All areas of Industry.
Practical, and vocational skills.
How to lead/follow, manage people, and work in a team.
Health & Safety.
Design and manufacture.
Infrastructure and environment:
Planning and urban/infrastructure design.
Environment and Recycling.
Farming and grow your own.
And many other areas!
By the age of 18 all children will be highly knowledgeable of themselves, their psychology and emotions, managing personal challenge, how to be happy and fulfilled, how to interact with others in the best possible way, and how to negotiate all the challenges they are likely to face in life. They will have a full understanding of all the basic aspects of the world they live in, and they will be equipped with all the basic and most important knowledge and skills required to live life and work in any job. Every child will have loved their time at school, they will feel fully encouraged and empowered in whatever they are good at and love, and they will be enthusiastic and prepared for work and adult life.
Phase three - Adult education.
Adult education will be open source and very low cost, as will all education. It will cover all aspects of life, and all areas of work, building on all the knowledge that the person has already acquired. This is where education will become much more specialised and continue to deepen understanding. This process would have already been happening throughout education, and it continues to build. This phase of education offers help in all areas of life, such that all personal and professional education requirements are met. For a full description of this, see our Open Source Education Policy.
The effect of our education policy.
It has already been said at the beginning of this policy. The effect of our education policy in conjunction with our parenting policy, when fully realised over all generations, would be to lay down all the foundations to, Empower Everyone, Solve Everything, and Fulfil Every Dream.
Everything that needs to happen in order for our mission statement to be fully achieved would naturally, and simply follow from the basis of our education and parenting system. Indeed it is this process of completely changing the way we parent and educate that we will have to go through if we are to fundamentally evolve what we are as human beings. By this we mean that the correct law, politics, policies, government departments, institutions, public services, infrastructure, businesses, relationships, opportunities, and society, will all naturally flow from our education system, as everyone would have the correct knowledge to know exactly how to create all the things we all want in our lives.
Supporting policies.
Everyone is Intelligent Policy.
Witten by Marcus white 20-4-2024 © updated 11/11/2024.