To achieve any goal
You first have to believe
In your power to do so
Before anyone achieves anything new and better in their life, something they really wanted such that they fulfil a longstanding goal or dream, that person first has to believe their goal is indeed possible, and that they personally have the power to create it. Creating dreams in this way always involves a shift in consciousness, from one in which the person did not believe in themselves enough to go out and create what they have wanted, to one in which they believe in themselves so much, that they do succeed.​
This is the source of all success, continual belief in ones self. All successful people relentlessly believe deeply in themselves, and their power, to create whatever they want. They are relentlessly determined, if problems occur along the way, they maintain their belief in themselves, and their power to solve the problem, such that they find a solution, and then keep going until the goal is fully achieved. Another way of describing this is to say that they believe in their power to control all the factors that affect their goal, or the entire reality surrounding their goal, until the point that they make it produce what they want.
So achieving our dreams means believing we are in control of our reality.
This is very important and very fundamental. We only achieve things in our life if we believe we have the power to do so and are ultimately in control of our reality. If we do not have this level of belief, we will most likely give up when we are faced by some problem or set back, as we cease to believe that we have the power to move forward. In this case we believe that the problem is outside of our control, and that there is nothing we can do about it, that we are powerless to achieve our goal. This is the fundamental difference between successful and unsuccessful people. The goal could be anything; getting a new job, learning to play a musical instrument, starting a family, climbing a mountain, buying a house, becoming a doctor, leading a country, ending a war, solving environmental issues. It does not matter, the process starts, proceeds, and succeeds with a continual belief in our power to control reality and ultimately create what we want.
We believe this understanding actually has very broad reaching consequences when fully explored. This is because all problems are interconnected and have a common root. All problems are interconnected because nothing exists in isolation. For example consider someone who is struggling with a mental health problem and as a consequence they are unable to work effectively in their job. This will then directly affect their colleagues who have to give extra support to cover for their less productive work, their managers that have to manage them, and ultimately the profitability of the company. This means the company pays less corporation tax, and the directors of the company pay less income tax. So now there is less tax revenue, and less money for public services, and this means there is less health care, education, and social support, everyone is now affected. This is how problems all interlink; in this example the ongoing universal problems that occur in mental health, employees working with their colleagues, staff management, company management, tax revenue, and public service funding, are all directly interlinked and dependent. This is exactly how all the world works, and there are almost an infinite amount of these chains of interdependency that all cross link to produce a vast network of interdependency. Another common example is ecosystems; scientists constantly discover ever greater complexity in how ecosystems have so many interdependent factors which all link into a complex network of plants, animals, fungi, underlying geology, climate, and quite often most influentially of all; human factors.
When we become completely clear on these two facts; firstly that we can only create what we want if we believe we have the power to control reality and create it, and secondly that all problems are interconnected, we believe it leads to a powerful conclusion:
We can only truly solve any of the problems we have if we believe we are God.
I understand this is quite a leap, and so requires some explanation as follows: It is actually very simple, when we set out to achieve some goal, in order to be successful we are not actually believing we are in control of just the factors that immediately affects that goal, we are actually, in a sense, believing we are in control of everything. This is because there is almost an infinite amount of ways we could be stopped from achieving any goal. For instance consider our first example above; in order for the company to be successful and make a profit, the directors of the company have to believe they have the power to negotiate all the relevant factors such as, the efficiency of the workforce, the ability of managers to manage, and staff to work. They have to believe that they would not get ill, all their staff would not get ill, and when some do that they can resolve this problem, along with many many other things that could go wrong or cause set backs. The directors are in a sense believing they are in control of their entire reality such that they can get it to produce what they want, and equally so for everyone else in the company who has their own goals.
The opposite way of explaining my conclusion is as follows: Mankind has had the same basic issues over the entirety of it's history; war, violence, corruption, dictatorship, poverty, and disparity in wealth, all exist today just as they have always existed. Even the simplest problems we have not yet resolved, such as providing clean drinking water to all people. Why is it that we have made no absolute progress, and not resolved any of these issues yet, over the entire history of humanity? The answer is that we do not completely believe in our power to do so. Take clean water, why is it that some people do not have clean water? There are charities that go to remote villages and sink bore holes in order to provide clean water for the villagers. If the charities are able to provide clean water, then so ultimately is the village, there is a way, dig a well, create a dam for a lake and fence it so that animals do not dirty the water, or club together and pay a company to sink a bore hole. If you are in any doubt about the viability of these options then consider what is different between communities that have clean water, and those that don't. Those that do, believed they can have clean water, to the point that they create it for themselves, those that don't, do not create it for themselves even when the water is below their feet. I do not wish to appear harsh towards others, and many might at this stage immediately point out that there are other more extreme factors which affect people's ability to create clean water, such as climate change and civil war. However our belief is that if everything is fully considered there is always a route by which all goals can be achieved, if we ultimately believe in our power to do so. History proves this, we started as hunter gatherers who had no tools or technology (and therefore little opportunity), and now look what we have. There are many examples of people overcoming even the ravages of war, or a changing climate, in order to survive and ultimately thrive. I have noticed a strong connection in my travels around the world between how much the people of a country believes in themselves, and the wealth and prosperity they create.
Humanity still faces the same issues it has faced over it's entire history, we have not solved any of the fundamental issues of being human; only if we believe in ourselves and our power to a much higher degree than we ever have, will we solve these problems. This explains our view that believing Everyone is God is the only way we can ever solve anything properly. In order to solve any problem we effectively have to believe we are in control of everything, and this means believing that we are God. Any lesser belief will always at some point lead to a situation where a problem feels beyond our capabilities to solve, and at that point we will cease trying. It is through this lack of ultimate belief in ourselves that all the problems of humanity persist.
We believe that there is a fundamental decision which we all need to be clear on, do we believe in ourselves, do we believe we are in control of everything, to the point that we will never give up, so that we will solve every problem we have, and fulfil our every dream; do we believe we are God? Or do we believe there are things out of our control, that there are many different events that we become the victim of, and which are out of our control. Our party's view is the former. Even a small amount of doubt will lead to endless reasons not to carry on; lack of time, money, ability, staff, resources, equipment, education, support from the government, there will always be a reason why we should not keep trying. The cumulative effect of this belief system is that humankind will never solve any of the problems we have, they will continue to persist until the day comes when we all believe in ourselves fully.
We believe this to the extreme and this is not something we say lightly, as we understand there are so many people that experience such extreme suffering. We do not wish to cause these people offence, quite the opposite, we wish to offer these people hope, another way of understanding and living their lives, and ultimately a solution. We believe that nothing happens by accident, everything each person experiences is at a deep level, created by that individual for a purpose, and with a full understanding of this science, everyone gains full conscious control of everything in their reality. There is a deep and lengthy explanation of this belief, but a very brief way of summarising it is to say that every effect has a cause, nothing is random or happens by chance. There are many sayings that capture this belief; what goes around comes around, the world is a reflection of what we are, we reap what we sow, and many people simply call it karma.
This discussion describes the entire underlying belief system of our party. We are not a religious party in any way, we are a party that believes in the ultimate power of every person. Our party is designed for people who wish to go on a journey where they have one hundred percent belief in themselves, such that they are completely empowered, so that they can solve every problem they have, and fulfil every dream they dream of. We hope this explains how our name and mission statement directly link with each other and underpin our entire approach to politics and all of life. We do not believe anyone is ever a victim of anything, we believe this is the most disempowering idea of all, which ultimately means all the problems we have are never solved. We believe everyone is fully Empowered to Solve Everything and Fulfil Every Dream, we believe Everyone is God.
​​Supporting policies:
Everyone is Intelligent Policy
Witten by Marcus white © 2024, 2-10-2024.