Everyone is
Summary and Aims of our policy.
To ensure that everyone is encouraged, and fully believes in their own intelligence, self value, and ability.
Current unresolved issues.
I studied physics at Oxford university, and went into employment teaching maths and physics after graduating. One of the things that struck me most was that every child I taught was at least as intelligent as me. I also saw how if children were not taught in the right way, they could easily struggle to understand academic subjects, especially maths and science, and as a result loose confidence in their own intelligence. As I grew older and travelled more to undeveloped countries, I saw that there were entire communities, or even countries, were they had lost belief in their own intelligence, and their power to solve problems and create the life they want. I also began to understand that this problem starts with parenting, it starts with children not being fully encouraged to believe in themselves, and to have full confidence in their ability to solve any problems they may face. We all have areas we are not confident in, however as well meaning parents, we must be careful not to pass this on to our children, and make sure they feel confident in their ability to face all of life, and achieve all their dreams.
Another problem is that we have a very narrow definition of intelligence, usually what we mean by this is academic intelligence, as measured by academic exams, or IQ tests. We say someone is not very intelligent if they have not done well academically, however human beings and intelligence is far far more diverse and complex than this. Far to often the intelligences people have go unrecognised, and as a result are not encouraged and developed into useful skills and abilities. This again demotivates intelligent people into thinking they are not intelligent, and it is a great loss to them, and society, as a result.
Many people struggle to believe in their own intelligence and power, they feel underconfident, they may feel disappointed with themselves, and be self depreciating or critical. This can leave them feeling like a victim, and not feeling empowered to solve their problems, and achieve their dreams, they can become despondent and depressed with life, resulting in an unhappy and unfulfilled life, or worse. None of this is in the interest of the individual, or society at large.
Our Policy - How it resolves the issues and achieves the aims.
Our policy is very simple - Everyone is intelligent, and all opportunities should be taken to ensure that everyone finds, and believes in their intelligence and power, so that they are fully confident to resolve their issues, create their dreams, and fully contribute to society as a result.
There are almost an infinite number of types of intelligence, I say this because there are so many tasks that humans can do and be good at. In the most general sense, some people are more academically intelligent, some are more emotionally intelligent, and some are more practically intelligent. Common examples of these are that some are good at maths, some are good at motivating people, and some are good a laying bricks. Furthermore it is generally true that those who are very good at certain things, will not be good at others, everyone is good at something, and not good at something. The extreme example of this is savants who can have exceptional or even magical academic abilities, but who struggle deeply in other areas, such as basic social skills. It is essential therefore that every individual is given every opportunity to find out what things they are good at and love, so that they build confidence in themselves and their life.
How will we do this? These are some features of our policy:
Change human consciousness to the belief that everyone is intelligent, and has great abilities in certain areas.
Encourage everyone never to give up trying to find what it is that they are really good at.
Educate parents and teachers how to encourage and nurture all possible aspects of intelligence in children at all stages of their development.
Give children, throughout all of parenting and schooling, very broad and diverse experiences, covering all aspects of life, so that they have every opportunity to find the things they love and are good at. Education is therefore very experiential, as well as academic.
Adults have free access to the entirety of vocational and academic learning, through open source education.
In summary then, we believe everyone has great intelligence and skills which they can bring to the world, and everyone's contribution is needed to complete the world. All our policies therefore will always seek to teach and instil this in every single person at every single stage of their life.
Supporting policies.
Witten by Marcus white © 2024, updated 14-5-2024.