What makes us happy and fulfilled?
We believe the answer to this question is unique for every single human being. Although there is widespread agreement on the basic things humans love and value, such as peace, family, friends, love, wealth, freedom, etc, the specific ways people wish to fulfil themselves is different for every individual.
How do you find your specific answers?
We believe that your heart is the only place that you will ever find your answers and what it is that will truly make you happy and fulfilled; only by following your heart will you achieve the fulfilment you want. We are taught many false beliefs, such as more money is always better, you should follow a career that is safe and delivers a good stable income, you should limit how you conduct your relationships and the ways you express yourself to what society expects, you should seek fame and status, having two homes is better than having one. The only things that are true for you and will bring you joy, are the things you really feel deep in your heart, not what others think you should feel or do. Only by following these feelings, your deepest passions, will you achieve your fulfilment.
People experience and describe this phenomenon in different ways, some people feel a deep religious or spiritual calling, some people feel an overwhelming love of some activity such as music or art, some people are compelled to set up new and entrepreneurial businesses, some people want to climb mountains, and others feel a deep desire to start a family. What every you feel deep within yourself and want to do above all else, follow this every day of your life, with the greatest commitment you can, we call this following your heart, and it is the key to unlocking all the joy and abundance in every area of life.
Following your heart in the workplace is the underlying key to the entire economy, and the thing that every business owner and manager strives for in their work force. If everyone wakes up on Monday morning feeling that they are looking forward to going into work, then we are on the way to unlocking the ultimate potential of the economy, and achieving abundance and fulfilment for everyone, as a result. This may seem like a pipe dream, but we believe otherwise, all our polices build to achieve exactly this, in particular see our Fair Minimum Wage Policy, Parenting Policy and our Education Policy
Our policy is to always encourage people to follow their heart, and to always pursue what they are passionate about. This is crucial in both our work life and personal life, it will require bravery at times, and is not always easy, but it is the only path to deep happiness. In our work life, if we do not follow our hearts, we will likely end up in a job we do not like, and find miserable. This is bad for the individual who is now unhappy for half their waking life, it causes mental and physical health problems, and it will spill over into their personal life also. If we do follow our hearts in our work, we will do a job we love, and we will enjoy our work. We may also earn more money, as we will be better at a job we love, rather than one we do not. We will also make more money for the company, and the economy, providing greater wealth for all people, and more tax for public services. Similarly we encourage people to follow what they are passionate about in their personal lives, sport, nature, art, music, socialising, knowledge, creativity, spirituality, relationships, what ever you love follow this!
When we connect with our heart and feel what it is that we truly want to do in life, it is likely that this will bring up fear and the the feeling that our goals in life are difficult, or even impossible. However it is our policy to encourage everyone to fully believe in themselves, and their ability to achieve whatever it is that they want to do, even if their situation looks utterly hopeless. We believe passionately in empowering everyone; whoever you are, and whatever is the challenge contained in your heart, you will always find the necessary strength, opportunities, and skills to achieve it. People all around the world prove this, when they overcome the most extreme odds and disadvantages to achieve the most magnificent things. This message will be taught by parents to all children from day one onwards, and all schools will educate on it extensively.
A common example of lack of connection with our hearts, is the consumerism, shopping addictions, and hoarding of great wealth and possessions, that we so often see in todays world. This is nearly always a sign of someone who is not connected with their heart, and who is not fulfilled and happy. When we feel pain inside of ourselves, we are taught to avoid this pain through many types of coping strategies, and quite often we are encouraged to buy something, go on an expensive holiday, or distract ourself from the pain by working at some goal, such as making more money. This is such a pervasive idea throughout the entirety of modern life, and it can start in very innocent ways when well meaning parents buy something for their children, in order to make them feel better about some problem. Coping strategies and avoidance of pain, by definition, never even addresses, let alone resolves, the root cause of the pain, and they can lead straight into addictions. Given that the coping strategy does not resolve the pain, the pain is only avoided for a short period of time, when it returns the coping strategy has to be repeated to take the pain away again, and the constant repeating of this builds an addiction. For example although we are not suggesting that it is the case for everyone, there are many successful business people who have developed addictions to making money, but are not happy and fulfilled, through their financial success. It is our policy to always reveal the truth of all addictions, and ensure that when anyone decides to acquires any wealth of any nature, it is always a decision that comes from their heart, rather than a dysfunctional coping mechanism, or addiction.
There is another counterintuitive aspect to our policy. We believe people should always put themselves first, do what they think will take care of themselves, and what is best for them. This requires careful explanation, as it may seem to be encouraging selfishness and short-sightedness. We believe when this idea is understood properly, exactly the opposite happens. If you connect with your heart, and do only what is best for you, it will always create the best outcome for everyone else. There are many reasons for this:
If you do only what you want to do, and put yourself first, you will always do things that you are truly passionate about. This means you will be passionate and fulfilled in all aspects of your work and private life. You will be better at your work, more productive, and contribute more to your economy and community. You will be a happy, vibrant person, who inspires and shows others how to achieve the same for themselves.
Humans find helping others one of the most rewarding activities of all, and many of us feel a deep natural calling to do so. A person is always better placed to help others if they have first taken care of themselves, know how to do this, and are in a position of knowledge and strength from which to help others. You cannot offer a friend on the street a roof over their head, if you have not first given yourself that roof.
Fully taking care of yourself is not a selfish or necessarily easy thing, it absolutely means taking care of all your responsibilities, and being fully accountable, if everyone is fully responsible and accountable, there will be no issues of any nature in the world.
If you do not put yourself first, and take care of yourself properly, there will be no one else to do it. Ultimately you are the only one who can truly take care of yourself, no one knows you as well as you know you, and no one can live your life for you, only you can fulfil yourself.
Your personal happiness and fulfilment will always be the greatest gift you can give to the world, it is always the most functional and beneficial contribution you can make to society; therefore if you put yourself first, you put everyone first, if you truly and responsibly serve yourself, you serve all others.
Following our hearts, putting ourselves first, and fully taking care of ourselves, is the most important things in life, it gives us passion for life, and is the key to all happiness and fulfilment for everyone. Our policy is to teach this to children from day one, and encourage it from there on, through schooling, and in all aspects of our life. All our policies have this built into them, we will constantly remind and encourage all people at all stages of their life, to follow what they are passionate about and do what they really want to do.
Following our hearts is the only way to unlock our ultimate potential, and it is the fundamental driving force within all human beings which Empowers Everyone, Solves Everything, and Fulfils Every Dream.
Supporting policies.
Everyone is Intelligent Policy
Witten by Marcus white © 2024, updated 25-4-2024.