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Summary and Aims of our policy.


We passionately care about every country in the world, and every person in them.


However, there is no country in the world that asks Britain to rule over it.  Every country in the world actively seeks to run itself, and does so.  We therefore have no responsibility to any other country, as we have no power or choice in that country, and without power and choice, we cannot have responsibility.  The exception to this is treaties, the agreements we make with other countries.


Our foreign policy is very simple, we respect the sovereignty of all other countries, and their right to govern themselves, therefore we do not seek to influence their affairs, as it is simply none of our business to do so.  The exceptions to this are the fulfilling of any treaties we have with them, and the reasonable protecting of the interests of the British people.  Protecting the interests of the British people absolutely means fostering cooperative peaceful relationships with other countries, but it does not extend to trying to influence how they choose to internally run their country.  If we are asked for help, and we can help, then we will do this, however this help would be focused on the root cause of the problem, and the offering of advice on how to solve the problem on a permanent basis, rather than management of the ongoing consequences of the problem, and the giving of aid for this purpose.


Ultimately the only way we feel that the international problems that affect any country or the world at large, can ever be fully resolved, is through a single world government. 


Explanation of our policy.


Everyone is God's role when acting as the British government will be to lead, and protect the interests of the British people.  We understand this sounds selfish and harsh, but we do not feel this is a case, it is a simple case of us not ruling other countries.  The British government has responsibilities to only the British people, and we must fulfil those responsibilities without being diverted into areas that we do not have responsibility for.  If we did this we would be neglecting our duties to you, and since we believe in full responsibility, this is not something we would do. 

          We believe our foreign policy the only responsible policy for everyone.  Every country runs itself, and has its set of risks, it must therefore be the responsibility of that country to mitigate and prepare for those risks.  If a country seeks to run itself, but then without warning or any form of treaty, asks for financial help with some difficulty, this does not have integrity, because the country wanted to run itself, so therefore must have the responsibility and accountability of that decision.  Always maintaining this clear boundary between all countries may well be the kindest policy of all, as it constantly reminds everyone of their responsibility to take care of themselves, and does not take away the consequence of their choices, which would encourage a lack of responsibility and accountability.  Whenever anyone encourages lack of responsibility and accountability, this is the most disempowering thing of all.  It teaches people and countries not to take care of themselves, to not prepare for difficulties, to perceive themselves as victims who do not have the power to solve their own problems, and it encourages them to become reliant on others.

          Foreign policies that give aid to countries, may in the long term be detrimental to that country, because it encourages them to not prepare for or solve the repeating of the problems they have.  This is demonstrated by the fact that there are many countries that have received aid for decades and still have the same problems.  A more spectacular example is the $2 trillion or more spent in Afghanistan, with the result that it returned back to Taliban dictatorship almost immediately.  No one ultimately has any power to solve anyone else's problems, we can only solve them for ourselves, and Britain certainly does not have the power or resources to solve other countries problems, we repeat again that we are not asked to run other countries, and therefore we have no realistic way in which we can solve their problems and we have no responsibility to do so.


This position is confirmed by the UN and international politics.  The UN was primarily created to ensure world peace, and all nations of the world are represented in it.  However in spite of the best intentions of the UN, it is almost completely powerless and ineffective at stopping conflict, and this is proved by the fact that it has had limited effect in stopping all the conflicts that have occurred since its formation.  The reason for this is that the UN has no direct power or authority at all, and this paralyses its power to solve any problems in a particular country.  This is proved yet again by the Ukraine war, and the Israel Palestinian conflict, countries will decide for themselves what they think is best for them, and whether they seek to go to war, they do not listen to the UN or anyone else, unless they think it is in their interests.  This exemplifies the fact that not even the UN can solve other people's problems, so how can Britain?


This takes us back to our policy, it is only through a single world government, who is fully empowered, and ensures the peace and prosperity of all people on Earth, that we can Empower Everyone, Solve Everything, and Fulfil Every Dream, and it is this that is our ultimate foreign policy, as we believe it is the only way we will ever solve international problems, and the effects they have on each country.


Supporting policies.


Boundaries Policy



Witten by Marcus white © 2024, updated 9-5-2024.



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