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We are taught that murder, rape, torture, violence, psychopathy, and all the darkest aspects of humanity are bad and are to be eliminated in human behaviour.  This view has been held by humanity for at least the entire 5000 years of its written history, yet in spite of having this view, throughout all of history, in every society, it has never been achieved, and there has always been all forms of human violence and darkness.  Human darkness is an omnipresent fact of humanity.


Are we going to continue to hope for the next 5000 years, against overwhelming and categoric historical evidence, that we can eliminate these dark aspects of humanity from our basic human nature, or is there another way?


We believe there is.


We want to be absolutely clear, as it is easy to confuse our message in the following discussion:  Everyone is God wants to finally resolve all of the murder, rape, torture, and violence in the world so that it no longer happens.  However the way to achieve this can be counterintuitive.  We would also like to make clear that when we use the word psychopathy, we mean this in the most general sense, i.e. any behaviour where we ignore or fail to be empathetic to someone else's feelings.


The contradictions in our beliefs:

We are relentlessly taught that darkness is bad and needs to be eliminated, and light is good and we need to keep this, however closer examination will reveal many exceptions to this view, indeed extreme exceptions, we explain as follows:


We say that violence and psychopathy is bad, however controlled violence and psychopathy is essential in the military.  It is impossible for the military to carryout it's ultimate job of going to war to defend a country, without it using psychopathy and controlled violence.  The military have had to carryout research in order to establish how to train people to become psychopathic, and be willing to kill others.  When the military uses this training in defence and peace keeping, we naturally hold these brave people in high esteem, decorate them with medals, and regard them as heroes.  Few say (in the case of defence and peacekeeping) that the violence and psychopathy they carried out was wrong and should be eliminated, on the contrary it is considered one of the highest acts a human can carry out.  Does there seem to be a contradiction here between our views about psychopathy, and the functioning of the military?


Psychopathy is the failure to consider or be empathetic to someone's feelings, and it might seem that it is always a bad thing therefore.  However, many careers absolutely require psychopathy in order to function effectively.  For example doctors and nurses have to be prepared to cause (minimised) pain to their patients, it is simply impossible for them to carryout their profession if they are not prepared to cause any pain, this requires a degree of psychopathy.  Anyone who has any role of discipline, authority, or reprimand, again has to be prepared to cause discomfort or pain to others, this again requires a degree of psychopathy.  For example nearly every society believes in and uses prison.  So in all these cases, which are throughout all of society, psychopathy is functional, required, and therefore is it not a good thing?


We say that rape is bad and should be eliminated, we agree with this, however rape fantasy is common and many men and women act this out in their sexual practice to varying extremes, and find it enjoyable and fulfilling.  When fantasies are carried out amongst consenting adults with correct and safe boundaries, they become functional expressions of human behaviour.  For these people, not being able to carryout this practice would be detrimental to their well being.  We believe this desire in humans is far more prevalent and much deeper than people think.  Exactly the same is found with torture, and many people engage in torture, slavery, and humiliation in their sexual practice.  Again this goes to a full range of extremes.


We say rape and murder are bad, yet we use these as standard and accepted techniques, on a mass scale, in our animal farming across the planet, where we force breed animals, and then slaughter them for food.


We say violence is bad, but yet we play violent sports such as rugby, American football, and many combat sports, and we watch this as entertainment.  We watch racing cars going round a track, and have the thrill of seeing them crash.  Our films, television, and all media is dominated by all forms of violence and darkness, we have an obsession with it, and constantly use it for our entertainment and pleasure.  How many films include some form of violence, and how many people like watching horror movies?  Our news is dominated by bad news, good news is always a small proportion of what we choose to watch. 


It would seem the ideas we have about human darkness are very conflicted, on the one had we continually say it is bad and should be eliminated, but on the other hand we constantly use it in all our professions, quite often regard it as the highest act, use it to produce all our meat, relentlessly entertain ourselves with it, enjoy it, and freely engage in it?  It is the greatest contradiction we have in all human belief, and therefore the most destructive also.  Where there is conflict, there is always falsehood, so what belief is it that we have which is incorrect? 


What Everyone is God believes:


The entirety of human history, and our desires, tells us that we will never be able to eliminate human darkness, it is an integral part of humans that can never be taken away.


It is a physical fact that if something is to exist, it is exactly half dark and half light.   For every positive number, there is exactly one negative number, for every part of the earth that is in light, there is a part that is in dark, for hot there is cold, for up there is down, for left there is right, and for dark there is light.  All humans are exactly half dark and half light.


So how do we solve the contradiction?


We believe this is very simple; abandon the hope of eliminating human darkness (as it is impossible), and instead encourage the full and functional understanding and expression of it.  The more we try and supress human darkness, the more it will continue to manifest in all the dysfunctional ways we do not want, and continually see throughout our history.  Supress human darkness and it will become war, violence, rape, murder, torture etc.  The more we understand it, how to use it functionally, and how to enjoy it, the more it will manifest in functional ways, examples of these ways are such as those mentioned above, and many others.


Another important understanding regarding human darkness, is that all pain and all suffering deepens us, it deepens the entire experience of life.  Without darkness and pain, our experience, understanding, and appreciation of anything is superficial at best.  Once we have processed our darkness and pain, experience becomes much deeper and richer.  There are countless examples of this, many people are inspired by personal suffering to great achievement and joy.  There are also many people who feel broken by something dark that happened in their life, it could be something inside of them, such as mental health issues, difficult events in their external life, or both.  The key difference between the two is their perspective on darkness.  Is it perceived as something to be avoided and eliminated, or is it seen as an experience of great value?  The former perspective always leads to being a victim and feeling broken, whereas the latter leads to a feeling of empowerment and fulfilment.  Everyone has pain, and everyone has to learn how to hold and unlock the power of their pain, if they wish to fulfil themselves.  We believe our pain is our power, indeed those who have experienced great darkness and pain, have the potential to access an equally great power within themselves and their life.  The education of this understanding is crucial if we are to resolve our human nature, and fix the problems we have on this planet.


We believe, based on our research, the most important way human darkness (and lightness) is expressed functionally, is sexually, if we get this right everything else works out.  This is because as far as our psychology is concerned, sex, love, and wellbeing are the same thing.  If we fail to understand and encourage the sexual expression of darkness we will never solve the issues we have.  To explain the extent of our view, for example we believe all the dictators, both current and historic, would never have dictated had they been fully sexually satisfied.  At this moment, Putin would not be invading the Ukraine, if he was fully sexually satisfied.  However there are many ways in which darkness can be used and expressed functionally, examples of which are as follows:


All forms of dark sexual practice such as, power play, age play, sadomasochism, humiliation.

The military.

Any professional role of discipline, authority, or reprimand.

Any sport, but particularly, extreme, adrenaline, endurance, contact, and combat sports.

Adventure such as mountaineering, polar exploration, sailing, etc.

Challenge, such as business challenge and risk taking, mental challenge and testing, physical & emotional challenge.

Dark humour.

Entertainment which includes any form of darkness.


Summary of our policy:


We believe that the hope that we will eliminate human darkness, is the biggest misconception humans have ever had, and in this sense therefore is the single most damaging idea we have.  It is an idea that paralyses all attempts to resolve our nature and the problems we create; as humans we will never solve anything by going against our basic nature, and hoping or trying to be something that we clearly are not.    


Our policy is very simple, there are four parts to it:


  1. Change our fundamental paradigm around darkness and see it as an essential and functional part of humanity and life.

  2. Education: provide education, at all ages, to understand human darkness, and how to use and express it functionally.

  3. Education: provide education, at all ages, to understand that pain and suffering is a gift, and how to unlock this.

  4. Construct our society, and all our social/managerial systems, to encourage functional use and expression of human darkness.


Supporting policies.


Education Policy

Sex & Psychology Policy



Witten by Marcus white © 2024, updated 27-4-2024.



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