Summary and Aims of our policy.
It our belief that anyone should be able to easily access any form of education, at any stage of their life, in order to resolve any lack of knowledge they have, and achieve any qualification they wish. Our aim therefore is to provide all the education an individual needs, in all areas of life, at all times, at almost zero cost.
Current unresolved issues.
We do not wish to criticise all the people in the education system who are dedicated to helping children, we wish to help make education more functional. Our current education system prepares children for academic assessment and exams, so that government targets can be met, it spends little time doing anything other than this. This fundamentally fails to meet all the important requirements of human education, the things we need to know about and understand in adulthood, such as our psychology, money management, work, and parenting. Our education system will therefore always lead to a lack of essential life knowledge that will lead to problems in society, and for this reason we believe it requires a complete restructuring. In addition to this there are many barriers to people easily obtaining the education and professional qualifications they need and seek. Lack of availability, cost, and inflexible teaching schedules being the most common ones.
Our education system is hugely repetitive and does not therefore optimise the use of resources; teachers, college, and university lecturers across the country, replicate the same lessons that hundreds of other teachers and lecturers are creating, over and over again. However instead of this we could create one set of lessons of the highest quality, and make these publicly available.
Our Policy - How it resolves the issues and achieves the aims.
Our Education Policy explains our overall strategy for education, whereas this policy deals with one aspect of this policy, namely open source education. We divide education up into three phases, pre school, schooling up to 18 years old, and adult education.
Most of the entirety of all education needs, in any area of life, at any stage of education, will be met by the government education department, and in addition organisations will remain free to create what ever education systems they wish. The education department will create all education resources required, in partnership with the top experts in every field of teaching. These people will be those who have the greatest passions for their subjects, who know how to make learning inspiring and fun, and who teach the deepest understandings in the most easily understood ways. Education department resources will be presented as videos, e-text books, lessons, and lectures, along with everything else that is required to learn, such as exercises, answers, examples, tests, and exams. All resources will be published online and be open source, they will therefore be available to any one at any stage of their life.
The open source education will begin with parents, so that they have all the training and knowledge they need prior to becoming parents. It will provide everything they need to carryout the education of their children up to the age of school. The open source education will continue through schools, providing the majority of all lesson plans and teaching material for teachers. The open source education will carry on throughout all adulthood, providing advice on all areas of life, and provide professional education for all areas of work and industry, resulting in professional qualifications. The professional open source education system will work in conjunction with apprenticeships where appropriate, in order to complete professional training.
All degree courses will be offered online in this way, and there will be no eligibility requirements to begin higher education. Anyone can simply go online, and begin learning what ever course they wish, at any time, even as children. Should they require it, they will be able to pay for tutors to help them, and they would have to pay a small fee for sitting exams in order to earn their degree. Professional education would work in the same way, with the addition of apprenticeships where required. In this way all higher education and professional qualification is immediately accessible to everyone; anyone is free to train, or retrain, in any profession, at any time, for minimal cost. Adults could also go back and access any lessons or teaching materials from any stage of their childhood education, and if desired sit any exams they did not pass, or did not take, to add to their qualifications.
The costs of all education will be publicly funded up to 18 years old, thereafter the costs will be minimal, as there will be one set of online resources covering the entire country for each subject area. People have the opportunity to attend universities if they wish, but this would be their choice, and create much greater costs for them, which they would have to fund in a similar way to the current system.
​This would complete our mission to provide all education required for all aspects of life, on a flexible open source basis, that is at minimal cost. In this way any person, at any time in their life, can access any course they wish, on a completely flexible basis which suits the routine and pace at which they wish to study, and gain what ever knowledge or professional qualifications they seek.
Supporting policies.
Standardisation & Simplification policy.
Witten by Marcus white © 3-5-2024.