​​​We believe all people across the world want the same basic things in life such as; love, family, friends, peace, safety, prosperity, romance and sex, fulfilment, and freedom. Put another way all people want to: empower themselves, so they can solve their all their problems, and fulfil all their dreams. Fulfilling our dreams does not have to be a selfish thing; it is natural to want to live in a world where there is peace, happiness, wealth, and a sustainable environment, for everyone, not just ourselves, indeed when we fulfil ourselves we contribute to the world in the best way possible.
We therefore believe our mission statement represents the simple truth of what all humans want and what we all feel in our hearts; as such it is the the unification of all people, joining governments and all people into a single force for positive change.
It is the mission of Everyone is God to Empower Everyone, Solve Everything, and Fulfil Every Dream. We are uncompromising in the pursuit of this mission, all our policies are designed to meet this mission statement and nothing else, we therefore seek to bring about a wholesale political revolution, in a balanced and peaceful way. We do not write our policies to conform to social norms, conventional politics, or what might gain more votes for us. We write them to uncompromisingly achieve our mission, and we speak the truth of how we believe this can be achieved, even when this truth may be unpopular. Our mission can only be met if we are preprepared to reconstruct all of our society from the ground up, we cannot expect to fundamentally solve all our problems if we make superficial changes in our society. Only if we are prepared to completely change all of our systems of governance, will we solve our problems once and for all. This requires everyone of us to change first, only if we change our consciousness, can we make new decisions. Therefore our policies are challenging and radical, and will require everyone one of us to change who we are, in order that we can change the country that we create.​​
Our mission is not confined to Britain, only by uniting world government can we resolve the conflicting agendas of the different countries of the world, which cause wars, conflict, and never ending difficulties for humanity. We are one planet, with a fully connected world civilisation; by working as one, we can solve international problems, and achieve the peace and fulfilment we all truly want. ​