We must welcome change and the opportunity it brings.
If we are to solve all the issues we have in our country, there will have to be fundamental changes in all our systems. The largest system we need to change, beyond ourselves, is our economy, as we need this to work more efficiently. This is so that it delivers the money we need to improve public services, increase our standard of living, and invest in our infrastructure to make it green and fit for purpose.
A major part of our plan to achieve this, is to ensure that all work carried out in any part of our economic system is value adding work, and this means professions and organisations that do not add value, will be minimised or phased out where possible, a detailed explanation of this policy can be found in our Value Adding Work Policy. This means restructuring much of our labour force across the country, a process that is unavoidable if we wish to continue to evolve and improve. We will always speak the truth, and the truth is that some jobs will cease with our policies, and be replaced by new jobs, but we wish to reassure you that we have a clear strategy for how this is to be achieved with the minimum of pain, and the maximum of benefit. Indeed we do not feel that there should be any pain, rather that the changes can come about with the full support and free will of everyone involved, in a similar way to how it has always happened.
The first part of our policy is education.
We need to explain to the British people why it is not only greatly in their interests, but an unavoidable necessity, to always restructure the labour force, this is because things change; knowledge increases, and technology moves on, we cannot stop this, and it is entirely in our benefit to encourage this process.
Prior to the industrial revolution about 90% of the worlds population, and 70% of the British population worked in agriculture, now these figures are around 28% and less than 1%. This means more than 69% of the British population have entirely changed their profession since the industrial revolution. The reason we do not need so much labour in agriculture, was and is because of improved technology, we created machines like steam engines, and agricultural machinery, which mechanised tasks, and drastically reduced the amount of labour needed, while at the same time we increased productivity. This is what new technology always does, it decreases labour and increases productivity. When new technology comes along, and renders jobs, or even entire professions completely redundant, it is natural for people to be alarmed, and worry that they will be out of work. However this is never ever the case, and history categorically proves this every time.
All the people in the world who have been made redundant due to world industrialisation have not found themselves unemployed. What has happened is that the increased efficiency of technology creates more wealth, which gets invested back into the economy, which then creates more jobs in existing professions due to increased demand, and new jobs in entirely new professions that did not exist before. The new technology itself creates a whole host of new professions, as it has to be researched and developed first, then mass manufactured, then used by an operator of some description, who required training by someone, and finally the technology needs maintaining and servicing, that is at least five entirely new industries. With more wealth in the economy, entirely new industries spring up like, leisure industries, and new technologies like computer controlled machines, space exploration, and AI. The net effect of the mass loss of jobs through industrialisation, is vastly increased wealth on the planet, and many new jobs of a broader range. So we wish to reassure and remind everyone that whenever their job or profession becomes obsolete, it means that wealth is increasing, and there will be a greater range of job opportunities in an ever diversifying economy. As such we must always have the strength and foresight, to accept the ending of the old in order to make way for the new and better, and it is our policy to educate all people in this understanding.
How practically will we restructure the labour force.
We wish to ensure that the restructuring of the labour force, is achieved with the minimum amount of difficulty, and the maximum amount of benefit, in the following ways:
Educate throughout school about value, waste, and welcoming the natural process of labour restructuring.
Cease training and recruiting rather than redundancy, where possible.
Encourage those that wish to change their profession, by offering new job opportunities.
Open source professional education to make retraining easily accessible to all.
Encourage the creation of new jobs and professions.
Labour restructuring is a major part of our Economic & Business Policy, and we believe in conjunction with our related policies, it will ultimately enable a doubling of GDP, and with one tenth the work stress that we currently have. We hope therefor this policy reassures and encourages the people of Britain to embrace and welcome labour restructuring.
Supporting policies.
Witten by Marcus white © 2024, updated 3-5-2024.