Summary and Aims of our policy.
We believe that a fundamental responsibility of government is to support and regulate (or police) all important areas of society; without this there will always be dysfunction, and ultimately lawlessness. Our policy is radical, we fundamentally believe it is essential that the government makes sure all key areas of life are carried out in a way that creates a peaceful, safe country, where everyone is responsible and accountable, where everyone is fully empowered, and has all opportunity to fulfil themselves completely.
We believe regulation should always come with support, we all need help, and we all need discipline, and they need to work together in order to be balanced. Support is primarily carried out by giving the correct education to people in an easily accessible form, so they are empowered to create what they want in their lives. We do not believe support means creating for people, or giving people, the personal things they want. For example, if people want a home, they should have the opportunity to earn the money for the home themselves, if they want a business, they should have the opportunity to fund and build that business themselves. Support comes with regulation, and we believe that regulation should provide and enforce a simple set of statutory laws, which everyone is educated upon, and therefore knows, in every key area of life.
Everyone is God fundamentally believes that freedom, and having the full experience of the consequence of our choices, is a crucial part of a functional and accountable society. This is a tough policy, for example we do not believe Governments should provide financial support (from the tax payer) to struggling businesses, or seek to protect people from natural market forces, and the inevitably unexpected events of life.
We believe this ultimately disempowers people and businesses, because it encourages them to not plan for these inevitable things, rather than encouraging them to place themselves in a knowledgeable and strong position to cope with adversity. Furthermore it is the challenges of life which drive us deeper into the truth of life, which make us grow, and improve who we are; it is the pain of our life, which ultimately becomes the power of our life. Indeed this is the point, the best support the government can give, is education on how to be prepared for and deal with all of life. There are cases where potentially there is a need for governments to step in and provide financial support, but we believe the reason for this will be because something has been allowed to happen that should not of happened. Fixing this, with education and correct policies, would be the only long term solution, not providing the financial support. It is part of life that some businesses will fail, people will experience hard times, and things will happen that are unexpected, we will support you with education, so you are prepared for all of this, but we will not take away your having the full experience of life, and the opportunity to learn and empower yourself from it.
Current unresolved issues.
Our current system of support and regulation has five fundamental issues:
There is little or no routine education and support in nearly all the important areas of life that we need to know about.
Our system of law and regulation fails to regulate the most important areas of life, such as parenting.
Our system of law and regulation is far too complex and confusing to be effective.
Our system of law and regulation is not authoritative enough in many areas to ensure lawful behaviour at all times.
Our system of law and regulation is not self funded, and therefore will always be inadequate to meet demand, on account of being short of resources.
We believe the greatest shortfall in our support and regulation in this country (and the world) is the failure to provide almost any routine regulation and support of parenting. Parenting is by far the most important job on our planet, if we get this wrong, we will create endless problems in our society, that ultimately we will be unable to retrospectively fix, as it would be too late, the damage would have already been done. Alternatively if we get this right, society will always know how to deal with any issues that arise, everyone will be naturally self regulating, self correcting, and self fulfilling, in this system the correct policies and law will always naturally flow. There is endless evidence and proof of the problems created by not regulating important areas such as parenting, our prisons are full of people who had traumatic or dysfunctional upbringings. We understand everyone has the best intentions, but we believe that the root of all the problems that we currently have on our planet will directly go back to errors in parenting, and how we educate our children.
Our Policy - How it resolves the issues and achieves the aims.
Our policy is to coordinate all aspects of support and regulation throughout all important areas of society, and fix all these shortfalls. This is a large task, support and regulation is the majority of the responsibility government has, we cannot do it alone, and all our policies require the cooperation of all the British people. To play our part, we have many detailed policies which explain exactly how we will do this. These policies span all areas of society, they are listed at the bottom of this page, and in general they seek to achieve the following goals:
Support all people, all businesses, and all organisations, at all stages, with all the knowledge and advice they need.
Provide education throughout school, so that children are fully prepared for all aspects of their adult life, and are pre-trained in all the basic knowledge and skills they will need for the work place, before entering it.
Continue to offer open source education and training throughout adulthood, in all areas of personal life and work.
Standardise so everyone works to the same rules.
Educate so everyone knows the rules.
Regulate so everyone follows the rules, thus creating a safe and stable environment for the economy and private life.
Simplify so there is the minimum of red tape and regulations, and these regulations are sensible and helpful.
Make all support and regulation self funded, so there will always be the necessary resources to meet all demand.
Example for businesses:
In our tax system, businesses will not pay any tax of any form, other than a small tax that pays for the support and regulation they get from the government. This support and regulation will come as a combined package, every business will have a mentor who will be personally experienced in that industry and highly trained, and who will take on a number of responsibilities for the business:
Support. The mentor will support the business with all the general business knowledge, and industry specific knowledge, they need to excel in their business, this includes providing training, and the latest information that comes from the research centres, see our Research Centres Policy.
Statutory requirements. The mentor will make sure the company is in full knowledge of, and meeting all of their statutory requirements, including all industry standard procedures, manufacturing standards, training, all policies, and all inspection routines. The mentor would personally arrange all of this to be carried out, and the statutory requirements would be greatly reduced and simplified from the current system.
Enforcement. Businesses will be given all support and opportunity to follow the rules, and mentors will make sure any training requirements within the business are met to achieve this, but if businesses persistently do not follow the rules, then the mentor ultimately will take enforcement action, and refer the case to the authorities.
The role the mentor plays is effectively like an external contractor who takes on the above three roles within the company, the advantages of this system are many fold for everyone, firstly that the company is automatically fed with all the latest and best industry knowledge. Secondly the entirety of meeting all statutory requirements and training, is completely taken away from business owners, and subcontracted to the mentor, thus leaving the owners free to concentrate on running their businesses. This is far more efficient because the mentor, backed by their team of experts, combines four roles into one, the roles of consultant, executive, inspector, and enforcer; by this we mean the mentor advises on the rules, arranges for the rules to be met, inspects to check that they are met, and enforces if they are not met. In the current system these roles could be spread across many people within a company, many outside of the company, and a number of government agencies. This system causes huge inefficiency, cost, and stress for everyone, as there are so many lines of communication between so many parties. This causes confusion and difficulties that will be a never ending problem, ultimately resulting in the rules not being met in the best way, if at all. For example all the directors of a company would normally take on the statutory duties of their area of responsibility, they would quite often sub contract external advisors and experts such as tax advisors, Health and Safety consultants, and employment law consultants (to mention just a few), and quite often separate government agencies will be responsible for regulating each area such as HMRC, Business Rates, Health & Safety Executive, and Financial Regulation Authority. The entirety of all these roles both inside and outside of the company will be far more efficiently and effectively fulfilled by a single person, the mentor.
Another benefit of this is that there is never any doubt as to if the business is meeting the rules or not. The mentor takes on this responsibility and sees that the company is meeting them, as the mentor is the inspector and enforcer, so this means no business ever has to worry about any of this, as long as they are cooperative. It is impossible for the business to ever be found guilty of breaking any rules, unless it is through the route of the mentor first making warnings, and then ultimately taking enforcement action. I know from running small businesses that the rules are so vast and complex that there is a constant worry if we are actually meeting them all, and it becomes almost impossible for small companies to have the time and resource to read, understand, and meet all the rules. Indeed it can become effectively impossible to find answers to even simple questions about what is right and wrong. Another benefit is that it will reduce insurance costs significantly for the company, as all insurance risk will be taken care of within the role of the mentor. This means insurance claims will be lower, and insurance inspections will not have to happen any more, saving yet more cost. Indeed the cost savings throughout the whole economic and regulatory system are very significant as there are so many roles that are made so much more efficient and combined into one single person.
In summary then this example of our system of support and regulation for businesses means that they are constantly fed with all the latest and best industry knowledge, and the entire role of meeting statutory requirements is taken away from business owners and directors. This means businesses will be run far more efficiently, and have a significantly lower cost base. They will have much less stress, and always know that they are meeting absolutely all regulations all of the time, indeed all this responsibility will be taken away from them, other than cooperating and doing what they need to do. Business managers will be left free to concentrate on what they are good at and love doing, running their business! The whole economic and regulatory system is made far more efficient, effective, and less stressful, all employees and all employers are fully empowered to focus on their jobs knowing they are fully empowered with the latest knowledge and training, and are meeting all regulations.
This example gives the broad basis on how any important area of life would be supported and regulated, in addition to all businesses, so would all institutions, schools, public services, financial services, and professional services. Parenting is another crucial area that needs supporting and regulating and this would be carried out in a similar way, but this time with a support worker from social services, who provides a much more human service. They would provide support and regulation to parents, and help them to ensure that their children are receiving everything they need in order to thrive.
We believe that we have a simple choice, we have the bravery and humility to embrace the support and regulation of all important areas of society, or we will continue to have all the crime and dysfunction we currently have in all areas of life. Everyone is God offers Britain a simple choice, and choice that can Solve Everything.
Supporting Policies.
Standardisation & Simplification Policy
Witten by Marcus white © 2024, updated 29-4-2024.