When law is made simple
Everyone knows
how to behave
Summary and Aims of our policy.
Everyone is God believes all law should be simple and concise, so that it immediately establishes what is and is not lawful behaviour, in any circumstance. In this way everyone knows how to behave sociably, lawfully, and constructively, at all times, thus setting out the basis for a society that is safe and functional for everyone.
Current unresolved issues.
There are huge and fundamental failings in our system of law, and our entire legal system needs replacing with something that is simple, fair, and effective. We explain the problems as follows:
1 - No one knows what the law is, as it is too vast, and therefore no one can follow it.
Imagine a new version of football that had a complex set of rules which ran into many thousands of pages. No one would be able to play this game without great confusion and disagreement (unless they spent years learning all the rules), and the game would be impossible to play in any functional or enjoyable way. People understand this fact and it means that the rules of sport are kept simple so people can play sport. Even though exactly the same logic applies to the rules of living, i.e. the law, we completely ignore this logic, and everyone plays the game of life being unclear on almost all the law.
To emphasise this point it is a simple fact that the prime minister does not know the law, the police do not know the law, judges, barristers, and solicitors do not know the law, and the general public does not know the law. The reason for this is very simple, the amount of law we have in Britain is vast, it runs into many thousands of pages, possibly hundreds of thousands. To put this in some perspective there is more than 27,000 acts in Britain listed on, going back to the year 1267 or possibly earlier. If each of these is only 4 pages long, that is over 100,000 pages of law! Although some of these acts have been repealed, this is obviously way beyond what any single human could ever remember. In general the great majority of people in Britain and the world do not know any law (statutes) at all, because few ever study it, and even less remember any of it. Many people have basic ideas about the law such as it is wrong to steal, or drink and drive, but the only way you can properly and usefully know the law, and therefore follow it, is if you can remember the law, this means being able to remember and recall statutes, the laws passed in parliament. Expert barristers, or solicitors, might actually be able to recall tiny portions of specific laws, but other than this, very few properly know any law at all.
We cannot exaggerate how vast and profound this problem is in our legal system, no one knows the law, and therefore no one can follow an unknown set of rules; everyone of us is predominantly legally blind, every day, in most of what we do.
2 - The law is far to complex; it is too difficult to understand, and therefore creates confusion and conflict.
All of the law is immediately available to us, online on our computer screen, however even though this vast body of law is so accessible, it is still nearly impossible to understand it. Statues, or laws, are far too complex; if you are in any doubt about this think of any situation in life where you might need legal guidance, then go on (where you will find nearly all British law) and try to find the relevant statutes and the sections of law that answers your question. You will find this pretty much impossibly unless you are an expert barrister in the area of law that relates to your question. The length, complexity, and language used in the writing of laws is totally beyond anyone who is not trained in law.
So we cannot understand and follow the law, even when it is right Infront of us in black and white!
3 - There are no basic & simple moral laws, to ensure sociable responsible behaviour.
There are no laws that simply state: we should respect all people, treat all people equally, be kind to people, be responsible, be accountable, speak the truth, be polite, etc, these laws simply do not exist in Britain (or anywhere else?).
How can any system of law have any integrity, if it fails to have any laws that simply state the basic moral values of humanity?
For these three reasons above our system of law is profoundly ineffective; its vast volume means no one can know what the law is, and therefore it is impossible to follow it. Its complexity means people cannot understand it when they do read it, and furthermore this complexity then encourages endless misunderstanding, conflict, and unscrupulous manipulation of the law. And we have no simple moral laws to guide our behaviour. We are all in need of a vastly reduced and simplified system of law that has clear moral values as it's basis.
Our Policy - How it resolves the issues and achieves the aims.
We will introduce a system of supreme law, this system can be written on one side of a single piece of A4 paper, in simple language that anyone can understand. Everyone will have to memorise it, fully understand it, and all it's implications and applications. To achieve this there will be extensive education on supreme law and all it's applications throughout all of schooling and into adulthood. When someone completes their supreme law education, it will be clear exactly what it means and how it guides every aspect of daily life. Supreme law will sit above all other law, and will be the overarching guide to all other law. All other law will be subordinate to supreme law, and if there is ever a contradiction (which there never should be) supreme law would always take precedent. Steadily over time all current law will be replaced by a much simpler system of statutes, that can be easily understood (and remembered where appropriate) by the people of Britain. In doing this, we estimate that the volume of statutes would be reduced to less than 1% of it's current volume. Our supreme law on one piece of paper is as follows (we note again that education will be required to fully understand these 21 supreme laws):
LAW & POLICING, everyone is an officer of the law, who must at all times: follow all the law, report all crime immediately, seek to reduce crime, and protect others where reasonably possible.
LOVE & KINDNESS, all people (and all things) must be treated with love and kindness at all times.
RESPECT & MANNERS, all people (and all things) must be fully respected and treated with the highest manners at all times.
TRUTH & TRANSPARENCY, all communication must fully express the truth at all times, and the full truth must always be made available when there is a lawful need to do so.
POSITIVE, PURPOSEFUL ACTION, all action must be value adding, have positive heart felt purpose, and be fully cooperative and supportive of all others as far as is reasonably possible.
JUSTICE & REASONABLENESS, all action, and all decisions, must be reasonable, fair, balanced, and just.
EQUALITY, all people are equal and must be treated equally at all times.
INTEGRITY, all action must be fully aligned with our declared purpose, and who we say we are.
RESPONSIBILITY, all people are responsible for creating everything in their life.
ACCOUNTABILITY, all people are fully accountable for everything they say and do.
FREEDOM, everyone is completely free to do anything that does not break the law. No one can be forced to do anything, or have anything imposed upon them, that is against their will, unless it is lawful.
FREEDOM & RESPONSIBILITY OF EXPRESSION, all people are free to express themselves in any way they wish, so long as it is lawful.
HUMILITY & CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT, everyone must be humble at all times, appropriately acknowledge any shortfalls, and seek continual improvement of themselves, everything they do, and everything they affect.
CHALLENGE, all people must welcome and be prepared for the challenges and uncertainties of their life.
USE OF RESOURCES & SIMPLICITY, all resources are to be used in the most efficient way, and all action and decisions taken, must be of the simplest form that meets the objective.
HARM & DAMAGE, all harm & damage to anyone or anything must be avoided if possible, or reduced if not.
OWNERSHIP, the ownership of all property must always be clearly defined, and it's owners are the sole deciders of what happens to that property, as long as their decisions are within the law.
TIDYNESS & ORGANISATION, everything must be kept tidy and well organised, if not doing so is significantly detrimental to others.
TRUST, everyone must assume lawful behaviour, and the best of intentions on the part of others, unless there is definite evidence otherwise.
ISSUES & DISPUTES, there are no conflicts of interest, therefore all issues and disputes must be fully resolved.
SAFETY & DEFENCE, everyone has the right, at all times, to safety, and to use reasonable measures to defend themselves, others, and property.
Our supreme law encapsulates the most basic principles of morality and functional society, it is therefore deliberately designed to be the most general statements of morality possible. Understanding this will require a complete re-education of all people, so that we can all understand and commit to, a simple set of moral values that we can all live by. Achieving this will bring about a wholesale change in the consciousness of all people, it would represent the ultimate achievement of a fully civilised society in which everyone is completely liberated, respected, supported, and protected at all times. Our supreme law, when fully understood would simply, and immediately establish in almost any circumstance of life, what is and what is not lawful behaviour, thus meeting our aims.
We wish also to be clear that our system of supreme law would be far stricter than the system we currently have, and many behaviours which are at the moment not considered a crime, would become serious crimes in our system. For example if anyone is rude in any circumstance, such as online trolling, in public, at home, or in the media, they would immediately be convicting a crime, and be prosecuted for it. We say serious, because we believe all humans should be fully respected at all times. Any form of disrespect of any human is a serious issue, that will always lead to increasing problems, greater forms of crime and ultimately discrimination and violence. Society can only be civilised, and fully functional, if it passionately believes in, and has the full lawful authority, to ensure that everyone is treated with the utmost kindness and respect at all times.
As an example of the need for stricter moral laws consider a common life situation such as time keeping. We do not wish to criticise people, however we do wish to point out the truth. Some people may currently believe that being a few minutes late in their time keeping is not an important issue, but what is the truth of this? If someone has a midmorning break, and a lunch break, as part of their work contract, and they begin all periods of work just 2 minutes late, and they finish all periods of work 2 minutes early this may not seem much, but it amounts to 12 minutes a day. If they are self employed and charge £25/hour, 12 minutes equates to £5 a day which is £25 per week, £100 a month, and £1,300 per year. If they do not allow for this in their bills, and invoice for a full days work, then although they may have no intention of being dishonest, the fact is that they are, and are unwittingly committing £1,300 of theft every year from their employer. This is the simple truth, and this is just one example of how the important principles and detail of supreme law will be taught throughout schooling so that people have a full understanding of their behaviour, choices, and how exactly they relate to the law. In this way all adults will be empowered with the full knowledge and understanding of the law, and why it is in everyone's interest to follow it, so that everyone is fully motivated and committed to following all of the law all of the time.
People may feel that the supreme law we are proposing is too simple and misses many basic laws, but when it is fully understood this is not the case, and the opposite is true. To illustrate these points consider the following examples:
There is no supreme law that explicitly states theft is illegal, but this is dealt with in law 18 as theft would be against the property owners wishes, and is therefore illegal.
There is no supreme law that explicitly states murder is illegal, but this is dealt with in law 11 as being murdered would mean someone having something imposed upon them that is against their will, and therefore is illegal. The same would apply to rape, torture, humiliation, and slavery. However euthanasia is not illegal because it does not impose something on someone that is against their will. (However it would need to be proved that this was the case, through a careful process and documentation).
Our supreme law says nothing on freedom of sexual orientation and expression, but again law 11 deals with this (along with the understanding that it is amongst consenting adults). So any form of sexual expression is legal so long as it does not impose upon an adult something that is against their will.
Education on law would deal with dozens of examples of how supreme law works and applies to daily life, just like the examples above, these examples would be taught through all of the years of schooling and into adulthood.
Another aspect of this education is that it will become very clear that most crimes will break more than one law, and in many cases many more than one. For example murder, rape, and torture, which break law 11, would all effectively break laws 2,3,5,6,10, and 16 as well. Indeed this truth goes even further, as when studying supreme law, everyone will see that it would be difficult to find a crime that only breaks one law, everyone will see that every crime breaks many laws. This is how powerful supreme law is; when you construct a very simple and fundamental set of moral laws, that sit over all other law, it overwhelmingly guides all behaviour accurately and simply, many times over, leaving no doubt as to what is the correct behaviour. This leads to the deepest truth of all, when law is understood at the deepest level, all of law can be encapsulated in a single simple statement. When this is fully understood people will understand that there are a number of such statements, they are all entirely equal to each other, and that they all produce the same outcome when they are followed correctly, i.e. they guide all of human behaviour in any circumstance Three examples of these single simple statements that encapsulate the entirety of all law are as follows:
Every thought, word and action must follow all truth all of the time.
All people and all things must be fully respected at all times.
Every thought, word and action must be of love and kindness all of the time.
When systematic logic is applied to the consequences of any of these single statements it becomes apparent how they guide all of human behaviour in any circumstance. It also becomes apparent that each statement amounts to the same thing such that they are interchangeable, and furthermore that all of our 21 supreme laws are actually restatements, or consequences of, any one of these single statements of law. Put in another way, you can get from any of the single statements to anyone of the 21 laws by logical deduction. Having this full and ultimate understanding of law takes years of education, and careful, systematic, explanation, however this is exactly the opportunity schooling offers, and it is an opportunity that Everyone is God will fully embrace. When all people have this level of knowledge, they become extremely conscious and empowered, this then leads straight into fulfilling the second and third parts of our mission, To Solve Everything, and Fulfil Every Dream.
Supreme law will not be all the law that there is, as stated above all current law would be phased out and replaced by a much simpler system of statutes, that can be easily understood (and remembered where appropriate) by the people of Britain. These statutes would sit under supreme law, they would always be directly guided by supreme law, and simply clarify its application in all the relevant areas of life that need regulating with law, such as personal behaviour, business and consumer law, health and safety, etc.
There are other fundamental problems in our system of law and it's enforcement which are not resolved by our Supreme Law Policy. One such example is the fact that our criminal justice system is not self funded, it is paid for by innocent tax payers, and this results in a continual and inevitable lack of funding, meaning many crimes (particularly nearly all small ones) are not investigated and prosecuted. Another example is the civil justice system favouring the wealthy, and making it almost impossible for people of average means to represent themselves fairly in court. These issue and all others are resolved in our Law & its Practice Policy, our Criminal Justice Policy, and our Prison & Rehabilitation Policy. These policies work together to provide a fully functional, self funding, fair, and efficient, justice system, and a prison system that is also self funded, fully protects the public, and fully rehabilitates prisoners.
These suite of policies complete all our goals in the area of law, it's enforcement, and it's education.
Supporting policies.
Prison & Rehabilitation Policy
Witten by Marcus white © 6-6-2024, updated 1-1-2025.