Why are machines, infrastructure, and technology so important?
From around 1760 Britain lead the technological and industrial revolution that now dominates the world. If we had not industrialised at all, approximately 80% of us would be working in agriculture, we would all be far poorer than we are today, and we would have almost no public services such as health and welfare. The benefits of industrialisation is brought about simply by the vast increase in efficiency and quality brought about by infrastructure, machines, and technology. It is machines and technology, embedded in a nationwide efficient infrastructure of transport and utilities, that allow our economies to deliver the huge quantities of wealth we now have, and from this wealth, we draw all taxes, which then fund all our public services and projects. Without this we would not have cars, planes, computers, health care, the media and internet, holidays, and all the products we value and love in life.
The challenge of deploying technology.
Technology is always moving on, and this does not just mean highly complex technology; there are simple new tools and techniques coming out all the time, that help improve efficiency and quality.
People are aware of technology and machines, however the huge diversity and scope of it means that it is difficult when operating in a particular industry sector, to be fully aware of all the possibilities available, and businesses will in general lag behind the current best solutions available, at times. Software and AI are ushering in a new era of efficiency, presenting numerous opportunities for the improving of the governance of our country and the management of our economy, that have yet to be seized. We have many policies which seized this opportunity, some of which go to radical lengths, to ensure that the problems we have are fully resolved, and efficiencies are fully realised.
Our Policies.
Our policies takes every opportunity to use machines and technology to improve every aspect of our lives, examples of policies which do this are as follows:
Research centres Policy to explore and disseminate new opportunities, to every industry sector.
Transparent banking Policy; an integrated system of banking that eliminates financial crime.
Public database Policy; a system to ensure everyone operates in a safe economic and social environment.
Education Policy; School education that includes a basic understanding of all industry, the economy, and the technologies used in them.
Open Source Education Policy; Nearly free education throughout all of life in order to enable people to qualify in any profession.
Automatic accounting & taxation Policy; an integrated electronic system that fully automates all banking, invoicing, accounting, and taxation, into one system.​​
Witten by Marcus white 3-5-2024 ©.