We have a simple choice:
More privacy and more crime,
Less privacy and less crime.
Privacy hides crime and corruption.
The hiding place of all crime, corruption, manipulation, falsehood, and dysfunction of any nature, is privacy. As soon as something becomes hidden, it becomes a hiding place, and will inevitably be used by unscrupulous people to hide their crimes.
There is another fundamental issue with lack of transparency, it creates society wide mistrust. All the mistrust of governments, politicians, civil services, corporations, the very wealthy, the media, any one or any organisation of power, is based on the facts not being immediately visible. Trust is essential for cooperation, and an effective working relationships between people and organisations. For example if the people of Britain do not trust the British government, it makes it difficult for both parties to work together and create a functional country. Trust is also essential for comfortable and peaceful relationships, without it, tensions build, and civil unrest or war can erupt.
We have a choice.
We therefore have a simple choice, we can hold on to our privacy and have all the crime, corruption, and mistrust we have in the world, or we can let go of our privacy, make everything visible, and eliminate these problems. Crime will not persist if it is immediately visible to everyone, as it reveals the truth, and the unscrupulous will be brought to justice.
Everyone is God believes that the desire for privacy always indicates dysfunction of some form. It indicates either that someone is doing something they should not be doing, or they are doing something that is not wrong, but that they are uncomfortable to show others. In either case there is an issue that needs fixing. We believe we need to radically alter our perspective on privacy, and instead of regarding it as an important human right, regard it as a marker which highlights issues that need resolving.
Our policies.
Given that we have the uncompromising mission of solving everything, our policies uncompromisingly seek transparency, in every part of government and society. We want to eliminate crime and mistrust, and prove that we are a fully honest and trustworthy party, through the process of all relevant facts about us being publicly transparent. Equally our policy is that everyone is publicly transparent, so that everyone knows everyone is trustworthy, all of the time. All our policies of transparency apply equally to the government, all organisations, and all individuals, there is no favouring or protecting of anyone. We have sensitivity in our policies, and we will fully respect any privacy that does not hide dysfunction, but if it is a choice between transparency or dysfunction, we will always choose transparency, it is that simple for us.
Changing consciousness.
If we are to change anything in our country, we have to change ourselves first, and this starts with a change in our consciousness. The shift to a transparent society will represent a fundamental shift in the priorities of mankind, a shift where being functional, law abiding, efficient, and committed to fulfilling our dreams, is placed first, and regarded as more important than privacy. This represents a state of consciousness of mankind where all our priorities are in the correct order, and in alignment with the mission of Empowering all People, Solving Everything, and Fulfilling Every Dream.
We have many policies that ensure an unprecedented level of transparency in all parts of our society, these provide many layers of protection and reassurance for everyone, and are listed below: We are aware of the magnitude of changing to this new consciousness, and it needs to be done gradually and carefully so that shock is minimised, and benefit is maximised.
Supporting policies.
Law & it's Practice Policy Policy
Witten by Marcus white © 2024, updated 3-5-2024.