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Responsibility, Accountability, Transparent Truth, Integrity, Humility, Equality, Freedom.



The party has many values, all of which are important and are fully explained in our policies, however the ones above have been highlighted for the purpose of seeking to characterise what the party represents.  We are very serious about our core values and do not state them lightly, all our policies uncompromisingly follow these values to their ultimate conclusion, in order to unwaveringly meet our mission statement.  This leads to policies that are radical and require everyone of us to change who we are, so that we can fundamentally change the country we create.  We invite you to read all these policies and see for yourself that we are totally committed to Empowering Everyone, Solving Everything, and Fulfilling Every Dream.  


RESPONSIBILITY:  We believe everyone is responsible for creating what they want in their life, within the framework of the law, and the government providing an environment where this is fully facilitated and encouraged.


ACCOUNTABILITY:  We believe everyone is accountable for all their actions, and where error has been made, they must rectify this error as fully as is possible.


TRANSPARENT TRUTH:  We believe everyone must be honest at all times, and be transparent with the truth when it is in public interest to do so.


INTEGRITY:  We believe everyone must ensure that all their beliefs, decisions, and actions, align with their goals and who they say they are.


HUMILITY:  We believe we all must demonstrate humility at all times, acknowledge our shortfalls, constantly seek to improve ourselves, and everything we affect.


EQUALITY:  We believe all people are equal and should be treated equally.


FREEDOM:  We believe everyone should be totally free to choose what they do in every area of their life, as long as it is within the law.  Taking away people’s choice, takes away their responsibility, accountability, and integrity, as you cannot have these things if you do not have choice.  Therefore, in order to have a society that is completely responsible, accountable, and integral, you must also have complete freedom. 



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