Responsibility, Accountability, Transparent Truth,
Integrity, Humility, Equality, Freedom.

Following all moral values
Is extremely demanding
Modern western politics asserts that it upholds moral values. However modern politics does not come even close to following all moral values, and the policies and systems of law that we have, in many cases are extremes failures to do so. The reason for this is that it is extremely demanding to follow all moral values, do any of us behave perfectly all the time? We understand that these are bold statements, however as just one example of these points, consider the fact that all parties who have been in power in Britain have never held criminals fully accountable for their actions. The extreme opposite of accountability is in fact currently the case, as committing serious crime in this country is the only action that guarantees you will be rewarded with free board and lodging (paid for by the tax payer) for the juration of a prison sentence. Furthermore in all cases criminals will not have to pay for the costs of investigating and convicting their crime, and very rarely for the damage they cause. This is absolutely the opposite of accountability, as instead of holding criminals accountable for their actions, they are being rewarded for their crime, and are required to cover none of the costs of it. This is just one example of an extreme failure to follow moral values, there are many others; consider the fact that there are no basic moral laws in our country, an example of this is that there is no law that says we must treat all people with respect and kindness at all times. The consequence of this is that rudeness and disrespect of people, quite often to the extreme, is common place throughout our media, politics, social media, and in daily life. Failures such as these have deep and detrimental consequences that are not recognised or understood in politics, and until they are corrected, we will never solve any of our problems.
Everyone is God is an exception to this way of carrying out politics, we wish to succeed in the great challenge of meeting all moral values, such that they are all upheld, by everyone, all of the time. We understand that failures in moral values lead to failures throughout all of society, and extreme failures in moral values lead to profound issues that undermine our entire country and the way it functions. We believe that this is one of the core reasons why politics never solves any of the issues we have in society, and why the same problems have repeated throughout all of of human history. For example the failure to hold criminals accountable leads to prisoners being stripped of all human dignity, and being locked up for 23 hours a day, unable to work, learn, and rehabilitate themselves. If accountability and all moral values where applied to criminals (and everyone) prisons would be totally transformed; they would become self funding, functional, and completely rehabilitative for prisoners. This then would ripple out through all of society creating a foundation from which lawful, respectful, cooperative behaviour becomes embedded in everyone. Moral values empower everyone, and liberates us all to live a completely fulfilled life.
All our policies uncompromisingly follow all moral values to their ultimate conclusion, in order to unwaveringly meet our mission statement; this begins with our Supreme Law Policy that places all moral values as the basis of all law. Given the extreme failure to meet moral values, and this being a cultural norm, in correcting this with our policies, they appear radical, however it is our mission that these new policies become the norm, and people look back through history and wonder why we never followed them sooner. Another consequence of this shift in consciousness is that it requires everyone of us to change our value system and who we are, so that we can fundamentally change the country we create, and solve our problems. We invite you to read these policies, some examples of which are below, and see for yourself that we are totally committed to acting out all moral values so that we can meet our mission statement of: Empowering Everyone, Solving Everything, and Fulfilling Every Dream.
We follow all moral values, however we have picked the following ones to characterise the main characteristics of our party.
RESPONSIBILITY: We believe everyone is responsible for creating what they want in their life, within the framework of the law, and the government providing an environment where this is fully facilitated for everyone. For example our Fiscal Policy holds everyone responsible for paying for public services, such that everyone pays exactly for what public services they use, no more and no less, so that everything is fair, and the fiscal debate is finally resolved.
ACCOUNTABILITY: We believe everyone is accountable for all their actions, and where error has been made, they must rectify this error as fully as is possible. For example our Criminal Justice Policy, and our Prison and Rehabilitation Policy are the only policies in the world that hold criminals fully accountable for all the consequences of their crimes.
TRANSPARENT TRUTH: We believe everyone must be honest at all times, and be transparent with the truth when it is in public interest to do so. For example see our Transparent Banking Policy, and our Public Database Policy.
INTEGRITY: We believe everyone must ensure that all their beliefs, decisions, and actions, align with their goals and who they say they are, so that they are acting with full integrity at all times. For example see our Supreme Law Policy.
HUMILITY: We believe we all must demonstrate humility at all times, acknowledge our shortfalls, constantly seek to improve ourselves, and everything we affect. For example see our Supreme Law Policy​.
EQUALITY: We believe all people are equal and should be treated equally. For example see our Supreme Law Policy​.
FREEDOM: We believe everyone should be totally free to choose what they do in every area of their life, as long as it is within the law. Taking away people’s choice, takes away their responsibility, accountability, and integrity, as you cannot have these things if you do not have choice. Therefore, in order to have a society that is completely responsible, accountable, and integral, you must also have complete freedom.